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Shaken, Not Stirred

Schizo Kaita


I'm a little shaken right now. I had a car accident today, and as you can think, it's a shocking experience.


I'd taken my mother's car for a drive to Antwerp, along with a friend of mine. On our way back, someone who had parked his car on our side of the road opened his door without looking in the rearview mirror. As you can imagine, I hit the darned car door pretty much head on, so the thing went flying and the front and side of my car is pretty banged up right now. Because of the warm weather, my friend had his window rolled down a bit, so we got a lot of glass shards inside the car as well. Luckily the window wasn't that far open, so neither of us got cut. Still, not an experience I'd wish on any of you other drivers out there. There was only material damage to the cars, so we merely filled out the insurance papers and drove back home.


It's pretty bumming, though. I pride myself on being a responsible and careful driver, and now my mother's car got damaged because some dimwit didn't watch what he was doing. <_<


So yeah... I'm just going to try to take my mind off of it for a bit.


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Like Omi said...at least the only damage was to your car. That's all monetary, and though it stinks...it's replaceable.

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Was I complaining about noone being hurt? Heck no. But it still sucks.

Yeah, I know. Just putting it all in perspective buddy. ;)

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And to think they make those insurance ads where this scenario is laughable. Totally different when it actually happens instead of being separated by a television screen or a magazine glossy.


Sorry to hear about the car, but it's a relief to know that despite all the grog you're a careful comandeer. ;)

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Sorry to hear about the car, but it's a relief to know that despite all the grog you're a careful comandeer. ;)

Yeah, when I go to the pub or a party, I always go by bicycle, and even then I make sure I can still ride properly, because there are always people on the road during the weekend, especially at night, who drive too fast, half of them under influence. You need to be able to react quickly when one of those comes flying through the street.

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