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Sorry about that. Chores can come and go as they please at midnight.


Today started... tiring. I received only 6 or 6 and a half hours of sleep, which annoyed me that the sun as risen behind the clouds already and time decided not to take a break at 4 AM. My alarm is within five feet, clearly not arms length.


I get up, listen to the radio DJ talk to a member of a local rap group, and I do my thing, awaiting for my ride to church with Guy (the man that brings me to church in my hometown) and his daughter.


Isn't she cute?




I know that girl is going to survive her cancer.


Did I mention the many uses of a camera phone?


To show you my uncomfortable sleep deprivation (which I can assure you comes back tomorrow at 5:40 AM), I entitle this...


Without a Pillow




My hands are in my pockets. And besides, this ain't a belly! Its a gas tank for the (butt)-whooping machine!


Today just went slower and slower and so on and so forth...


My days are usually FTB. For the boredom. To make this blog exciting to my readers, I try... I do...


Not in homework though.


I'm considering putting up a homework section on this blog to write essays, note take, et cetera, and send it to my teachers. Of course you guys can read it if it interests you and correct my mistakes... English will contain many essays. But I also need you guys to push me. Can you do that for me?




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Sleep deprivation can be fun, but it also usually is just plain annoying. Try falling and faking going unconscious for sleep in-school. :P


By the way, on a quick note, you may want to change what you renamed easter to; I was at a local pharmacy getting my thyroid medication refilled, and I noticed something. "Big Ups" is the name of their brand of ere--right, have to keep it clean. To put it in simple terms, it's that local drugstore's version of Viagra. ><

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That is like the best entry title ever. :P


I hope the girl will be doing better, cancer can be tough, my older sister had it when she was young...


You should get more sleep. You look like you need it.



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