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Sunburst; Cry, Cry, Til The Moonlight Fades







Is this blog not full of sunshine? [/shamelessployforherblogapproval]


Today had its times... My friend Sarah is helping out with homework more than you can imagine.


Hold up!


Have any of you noticed that in Hollister and Abercrombie & Fitch, and advertise naked people.






Because, ya know, I'm ripped like that...


Stupid advertising... I wear Hollister Tees, but still...


Anyways, back to life.


Today went smoothly enough, still haven't gotten the call back from Barnes & Nobles who said they would today, but I'll call them tomorrow.


I stayed after school actually doing work, which is surprising in and of itself. As I wait for the bus, I converse with my intelligent Japanese friend Josh, and I make the topic about him. I've told my life-changing story way too many times. It got repetitive.


He told me about the time he was in Japan for Thanksgiving with his relatives and witnessed a little boy his size at the time getting beat in an alley way by two teenagers, and how he saw the blood trickle down the kid's face after having a piece of wood smashed on his head, and he took off running. He said he's had countless nights of him waking up from sleep crying because that image played in his head again and again. This wasn't the only traumatic event in his life, and I plan to ask him more about it. He told me that he contemplated suicide and suffers from a lot of depression, and how he finds himself feeling betrayed by his religion. I won't say which religion.


Well, after hearing his story, my respect for him has risen more so. Hope to get to know him more. Seems as if our pasts have similar stories.


So thats all that cares to be interesting. I'll bring in the SotD soon enough.




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What was that picture?



(really Bunda)

Camera phone picture from a stoplight. I noticed the opening in the clouds and I love the way you can see the rays of sunlight coming down with a background of gray clouds.



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Wait, do they actually have images of people naked in the store on the walls? Thats just...odd, and illegal in some states I think.

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Well, they don't show any private parts. Thats call pornography. They use propaganda like this to say, 'Where our clothes and you'll appeal to the opposite sex (or same sex if that the way you go) like this dude/dudette.'


Advertising involves plenty of psychology.



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Weird. Seeing nude people would really just make me want to leave the store, so I guess I'm not the generic guy for psychology tests...makes no sense either, from what I've seen of people around me, most people don't care for what someone wears, but, in most cases, either their face or, in some cases, what they don't wear, if you get my meaning. Thats the majority of teenagers around today, and, assuming from what I've seen of their ads on TV, thats their target audience. Granted it may actually be their putting the nude images in to attract people, but really, if your theory is right, they may need to rethink their marketing strategy.

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I think the nudity is just in the magizines. It the near nudity that they actually publicly show.

Also, from what I've heard, they pay 'hot' guys to wander the store shirtless.

(really Bunda)

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