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Quitting Bzp



I can't stand Bionicle or BZP anymore, I've grown out of it, I'm too old, I might quit.


Refer to here and/or here for more.


Bionicle is getting in the way of my life, and I have better things to do (like get a gf).


If you want to try to stop me: Give me your best shot!


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Lol, I thought my friends would say something. They obviously don't care. I don't even know you two, how would you miss me?

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Wait until you pass the recommended age on the box to begin thinking about any of that.
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It's totally up to you, but lemme just say that there's no age limit. :) I'm in my twenties and still a fan, still enjoying it. And you don't have to buy many sets or follow it obsessively either.


I've had times where other demands have made me "lose interest" but it was more temporary, and usually all I have to do is read/buy new stuff when I'm bored to feel interested again. :)

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I've thought of doing that too,but on the Bionicle part,not BZP.Cuz I don't care about the storyline. :P

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oh well. at lest i may be able to vist you some day.

but let me tell you, i've gained so much form bzpower, its where my friends are. its the only place where i have friends. you've gained a lot of them. so leaving will only put a dent in peoples friend lists. and how much money did you send for PM? that money will now be a waste.

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Fine I'll stay but I totally quit Bionicle, and my comics. I'll stay for my friends and look at their comics and stuff. I'll change my name to Joe and I'll change my avatar and banner to something else.

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