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Top 10 Current Mocists



For Bionicle MOCs...


1. ToM Dracone.

2. Shannara.

3. Roa McToa.

4. Seranikai.

5. Shadrahk.

6. Arpy.

7. Darth Vader.

8. Bundalings the Bunny.

9. BCii.

10. CzaR.


...in my humble opinion.


(List is subject to change, cuz I might've forgetton someone.)





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Move Vader to the top, and I'll agree.
Heh heh, no. :P
...I'm getting betta'. :unsure:
Good! :D
You forgot me. :psychotwitch:




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Well when I considering tiers or rankings of MoCists here, I think SZ has a pretty good list there. I take into consideration actvitiy, BBC success, good reviews, quality/size of the MoCs and balance them out accordingly.


I am humbled to be on your list SZ.

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I'm really, really surprised Cajun isn't on the top of that list.


"Current", that's what it says. ;) These are members who have been on frequently in the last, say, two months.




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There are definitely people on your list who do not deserve to be there, and there are definitely better, more amazing MOCists that aren't on your list that deserve to be.


Shame on you for forgetting Cajun and Jinzo. Or Thrax.


'Current' is such a loose word, I mean, really.


I'm also going to assume your list is in 'no particular order'. Because otherwise, you're crazy.



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There are definitely people on your list who do not deserve to be there, and there are definitely better, more amazing MOCists that aren't on your list that deserve to be.


Shame on you for forgetting Cajun and Jinzo. Or Thrax.


'Current' is such a loose word, I mean, really.


I'm also going to assume your list is in 'no particular order'. Because otherwise, you're crazy.



Okay, yes, I may have forgotten some. *blames bad memory*


But by current I mean those who post regularly nowadays on BZP. Sure, Cajun and Jinzo are great, but they're not current in my mind. Also, there are plenty of other great MOCists out there who aren't on BZPower, but this is just a list of the ones on this site.




And yes they are in order. So I guess I'm crazy. Thanks. However, it's my opinion not yours. ;)




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