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Contest? Contest?




So what do you guys think about me running a blog contest where you guys design Bionicle-style faces in Powerpoint, and somehow or another, at least a few winners are picked? Using the methods I explained in these two guides:

Powerpoint Art Guides:
Vector Art In Powerpoint: Quality, Inexpensive, Easy
Coolifying With Powerpoint Vector Art

But what should be the prize?

I don't think I can do another sidebar gallery -- I've got enough images over there as is. :P And last time I made the images as an award -- this would be you guys entering the images.

And obviously some rare people don't have Powerpoint so couldn't enter -- if anyone has a better blog contest idea, feel free to suggest. :)


In Other News, I totally just now noticed that "In Other News" written as an acronym spells "ion". Ironicles!

*ahem* I am hoping to have time soon to run another S&T contest in spring/summer, hopefully the first Expanded Universe one. Whattayall think -- "Design a Xian Weapon"? Winners would hopefully become official weapons from Xia, and all qualifying entries would become part of the EU. Or would yall prefer a character-making contest first, or sommat?

(Note that I have another classified S&T contest idea for much later this year, like around Christmas. Can't announce that yet. But I'd like to do one before then too, as it will be very unique and "standalone".)


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How about design a war vehicle? That would suit the large amount of vehicles this year and the weapon idea would still be there. :)

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Shortest bones post EVER.


But yeah, Xian war vehicles would be cool, as would a vehicle BBCC. Perhaps you could combine the two, with the winner getting his entry officialized?

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BTW, I think the biggest argument against the vehicles right now is, where in the storyline would they be said to exist? A vehicle in Karda Nui like that might beg the question, why aren't the Toa using it? It's harder to fit into official right now than weapons. Still, best alternative idea I've seen.


I might be launching the blog contest this week. B6 has apparently given me approval for the prize idea, although he was vague about it. :P It would be that I would make an av for the member out of their winning face, and upload it to the BZPower image archive, so it would never go offline (unless we were offline, in which case you couldn't see posts anyways). Likey?

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Have you already made the avatar or is it going to be made for the member? :???:


Well there was Lesovikk's Sky Sled which could have been used by other I suppose and there's been playset vehicles that were canon....

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Btw Bones, since I'm a crazy blogger now that I've become a Premeir Member, I give you my Axe of approval, otherwise known as a blog approval.


And I say War vehicle or Xian weapon. (Horrible, I choose the most violent things...)

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Adv -- I meant, people enter large pics of the faces they make, and I turn the winning pics into avatars and upload to the BZPower image bank. (Or they could make their own avs and the winners would be uploaded still.)

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