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Flying Phantoka Leader



That is right I'm resining, here is a contest to try to be the new leader!!*


Give me your best artwork and show me leadership skills I'll pick only the best!


* = I will still run the front page, so don't try to make a new one. I will also occasionally post.


The winner will be revealed Friday the 18th, so enter soon!


Also I will totally be in charge of hiring (as in the new leader won't be able to only me) unless I quit for good.


Progress so far:


1st place: Lawliet

2cd place: Ken

3rd: Vezon the Fusion


TNoA would be up there, but he can't use correct grammar, and has no leadership skills.


Winner is Lawliet.


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Er...You know the things I can make,right?If not...


Some neat effected things:






And,a banner I made a long time ago...





~Kendalina :wub:

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I would like to be leader. My leadership skills

can be shown by my work on my own shop,

as it is currently in very good shape.


My best work (Combines everything

I know how to do except for

animations - cropping, text fill,

and glow around the Bionicle logo

and the text)




I can also do animations now, as

shown by my current banner.

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seeing i'm a member of the shop, i will try to get to the leading spot. you can see my work in my 2008 banners topic, and i'l give you some of my other work soon.


~TNoA leader of the reblen.

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Well, even though I don't really do banners... Avvies... Or, well... Um... Anything. But I would like to be a sort of advertising leader- if that's a spot. But I wish Joe wouldn't quit... He's good.

-Pyro out.

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Okay...I'm really fast with the banners/avatars.

My leadership skills hae shone a few times when the leader of a shop was out and he put me in charge for a week.




P.S. The shop's name was Swifts Avatars And Banners.

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Okay...I'm really fast with the banners/avatars.

My leadership skills hae shone a few times when the leader of a shop was out and he put me in charge for a week.




P.S. The shop's name was Swifts Avatars And Banners.


But look at the size of your banner. ;)

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well, here's some bans that show the backgrounds and text. i can do a lot more things, like alien glow, burning, etc. and the backgrounds, well, i can do forests, ice, fire, etc.




my leadership skills? well, i don't know. i can be firm when i want to, and must of the time deal with little things before they come big things.

hope i can get on the top three!

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Okay...I'm really fast with the banners/avatars.

My leadership skills hae shone a few times when the leader of a shop was out and he put me in charge for a week.




P.S. The shop's name was Swifts Avatars And Banners.


But look at the size of your banner. ;)

It's just temporary.

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TNoA would be up there, but he can't use correct grammar, and has no leadership skills.

*sigh* i do to have leader ship skills. i run a forum on one website. i'd link, but its a forum.

(in other words, i'm the black six on the website)

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I'm in 3rd place?If so...




Photoshop isn't as weak as you think...


My av is also an example...



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and risk lowering my proto? i'll give up the place as shop leader any day for my proto.

how bout promoting me instend? say.... Dragon Número Dos? as i haven't seen Cleofan119 on the topic for a looong time...

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If you need some more examples, visit my Maj.


Look at mainly the photoshop ones, which are very different form my ones before I got photoshop.


My Maj.


And my animations are very high quality. No tiny dots every where like normal GIF Animations.

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and risk lowering my proto? i'll give up the place as shop leader any day for my proto.

how bout promoting me instend? say.... Dragon Número Dos? as i haven't seen Cleofan119 on the topic for a looong time...


PM me it, there is no risk there.

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and risk lowering my proto? i'll give up the place as shop leader any day for my proto.

how bout promoting me instend? say.... Dragon Número Dos? as i haven't seen Cleofan119 on the topic for a looong time...


PM me it, there is no risk there.

but stilll..... its like sumgling drugs..... its like waving at the staff going, "o! you can't get us!"

sorry, but after the little "talk" with black six, i've been a little more better about doing the rule's.

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... You sound crazy...

Cazy, maybe. Insane, yes. I'm sorry, but this place is my life, and if i get banned/blocked, i'll die.

Oh well, i'm pulling out of the contest. I can always just start my own shop.

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Right. I'm not so good at animations, but can whip up random banners in an instant. I have always, except maybe once, had a successful banner in the end. My mom and Dad say I have leadership, but whenever I get in a position of leadership other than video games, I seem to falter, and not know the limitations of my crew.


Here is some of my favored banners and such. One is a request that I liked when finished. There is also a picture I edited.






Funny Turtle/Toa thingy.




I CAN NOT! do animation. I need a program first. If you have a suggestion, I'd be welcome.



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