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It's The New Look Haven!



Things are starting to feel more like home here at the Haven. As you can see, I've started fixing up the place with some new navigation buttons. It's a chance to keep my Photoshop skills fresh, and an excuse to watch Digimon episodes. So it's win/win!


For those that are familiar with my choice of avatar over the years, as well as the sig I've only recently changed up (only temporarily while the Epics Contest runs mind you)...it should be no surprise I've gone with a Digimon theme. And honestly, I think it turned out pretty well. Almost every season is represented here, and I've come to call the group the Blue-Vice Squad. With the exception of Matt from Season 1 and Davis from Season 2, every character with a Blue Digivice is on here.


It's for a good reason though. I can't find any decent pics of Matt that would fit with what I'm going with for the other four, and I'm not using Davis right now because...honestly...I didn't like him that much. If I had my choice, I'd use Ken. But then I'm cheating the theme. Yeah yeah, Takuya's in the MOC/Fic button...but that pic works really well for what I wanted with that one.


But that's getting way off topic, and though this is a "General" entry, I'm trying to focus on the discussion at hand. You'll also notice the new logo included on the top-most picture. It took a while to figure out what combination of colors worked best, and oddly enough it was the obvious pairing of black and white. In case you're wondering, that is also a button. Clicking on it takes you to the "main" page, which is the same thing that would've happened had you clicked on the <All> link in the original Categories block.


The MOC/Fic link is a dual button. In retrospect, it doesn't look that obvious as I've got it. But I really wanted to fit that pic into the theme somewhere, and that was the best place.


In the upcoming days, I may whip up a few pics to sorta add the finishing touch to it. I was really excited about sprucing the place up, then I saw what Schizo did and was like "Durn! I wasn't first!" But I'm really liking what people have started to do with their blogs. A lot of them have slowly started to adapt their own look and style. I felt it was time the Haven got the same treatment.


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At least your buttons look like buttons. I might still change mine, but I like what you've done here with the Digimon theme. I really liked the first two seasons, even though they were dubbed in Dutch. It was a refreshing alternative for the ever-annoying Pokémon... >.<
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I'm gonna copy you guys

I have an idea for your theme *points to next quote* ;)


It was a refreshing alternative for the ever-annoying Pokémon... >.<

Yeah, I am of the same mentality. After watching Pokemon for years...I made the switch to Digimon (even though at the time I thought it was a clone) It turned out to be infinitely better story and character wise.

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