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Nearing The End



Yes, no MOCs...or indeed anything...in a while. Let's take a moment to catch up, shall we?


1. In 25 days, I must hand in my Art, Graphics, and Digital Multimedia coursework and exams. Ridiculous amounts of work, you can't quite believe it until you actually do it. However, mathematically gifted readers might possibly notice that this deadline leaves a rather large amount of time between it and...well, the rest of time. In other words, I shall soon have ridiculous amounts of free time at my disposal.


2. Lemon Club Challenge soon. Did you read point 1? Free time = time for Lemon Clubs.


3. 'Project Apocalypse', AKA Seran's team of Toa whole year's worth of sets will also be done in the aforementioned free time. I'd also like to mention the 75% completed, mainly Gunmetal MOC that is currently sitting in a box under my bed...it's one of my favourite MOCs ever. Yup. No, no BBC entry. Sorry. Maybe next time.


4. Every second that passes is a second closer to getting Super Smash Bros. Brawl. And Mario Kart Wii, when I finally realise I've already spent far too much money and STOP BUYING CLOTHES, thus leaving money to buy other stuff. Like MKW.


5. Ah, love. The 'Seran M Love Story Thing' - I think I'm pretty much over him now...which is good, considering that I'll soon depart for college. I've now discovered that there's not just one girl at school who fancies me...loads of them do. :blink: Some random girl even asked me out...oh, irony...


6. I'm sliding between lethargic depression and bursts of happiness...one day I feel awful facing the years that lie ahead, the next someone at school says the right thing at the right time and I'm ecstatic for the rest of the day. But that's the fun of being alive, right? :D


:: Current Mood ::





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I am about to call you something that you apparently don't call yourself:





Yes, I WISH I had girls asking me out... :P


It's not done like that in our school...


Yeah, ironic, in another way.


Also, I know the depression thing. I jump between -7 and a positive 9 on a enthusiasm scale throughout the day. :P


My Dad claims it's a side effect of some medicine or something. :P


Yeah, long comment. Also, I've changed my name! =D

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Not too lucky...you can have the girls, I don't want them. :P


And yes. Yes, you have changed your name. H...A...F...U...spells Lluvio.



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1. In 25 days, I must hand in my Art, Graphics, and Digital Multimedia coursework and exams. Ridiculous amounts of work, you can't quite believe it until you actually do it. However, mathematically gifted readers might possibly notice that this deadline leaves a rather large amount of time between it and...well, the rest of time. In other words, I shall soon have ridiculous amounts of free time at my disposal.

Good. Use that time to make more fancy shiny MOCs like that Boxor. Maybe an Exo-Toa, or the Bahrag or something.


2. Lemon Club Challenge soon. Did you read point 1? Free time = time for Lemon Clubs.



Yay for cruddy Photoshopping! :D


3. 'Project Apocalypse', AKA Seran's team of Toa whole year's worth of sets will also be done in the aforementioned free time. I'd also like to mention the 75% completed, mainly Gunmetal MOC that is currently sitting in a box under my bed...it's one of my favourite MOCs ever. Yup. No, no BBC entry. Sorry. Maybe next time.

Sounds like a lot of MOCs to have all intact at once. I'd like to see the gunmetal one. Is that why you wrote the "ode to gunmetal" earlier?


4. Every second that passes is a second closer to getting Super Smash Bros. Brawl. And Mario Kart Wii, when I finally realise I've already spent far too much money and STOP BUYING CLOTHES, thus leaving money to buy other stuff. Like MKW.

I needzzzz SSB! D:


5. Ah, love. The 'Seran M Love Story Thing' - I think I'm pretty much over him now...which is good, considering that I'll soon depart for college. I've now discovered that there's not just one girl at school who fancies me...loads of them do. :blink: Some random girl even asked me out...oh, irony...

Blarg, the gay guys keep stealing all the girls. :P


6. I'm sliding between lethargic depression and bursts of happiness...one day I feel awful facing the years that lie ahead, the next someone at school says the right thing at the right time and I'm ecstatic for the rest of the day. But that's the fun of being alive, right? :D


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When you get Brawl, we should swap them Friend Codes.


Can't wait to see the MOCs. Is that one the Exo-Toa?



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5. Ah, love. The 'Seran M Love Story Thing' - I think I'm pretty much over him now...which is good, considering that I'll soon depart for college. I've now discovered that there's not just one girl at school who fancies me...loads of them do. :blink: Some random girl even asked me out...oh, irony...

Things seem to happen that way peculiarly often... :blink:


Well, hang in there for the next 25 days, and then enjoy your free time! I look forward to more Seran MOCs.


[edited for misquoted emoticon]

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Y'know what's ironic? The straight guy (me) gets called gay and is nearly asked out by guys, while you are thought to be straight and get asked out by girls.


Oh, the irony!


Wanna trade? :P

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Y'know what's ironic? The straight guy (me) gets called gay and is nearly asked out by guys, while you are thought to be straight and get asked out by girls.


Oh, the irony!


This seems to happen a lot, oddly; People who misuse "gay" as a derogatory term on straight people are oblivious to the fact that a lot of gay people lead successful lives and are sought after by fangirls. Often more girls than straight people from what I've gathered. >.<




Good luck with your school projects, Seran. ^_^



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