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The Girlifier!



I've invented a type of Kraata leech that can suck the boyness out of any being. The effect of this turns you into a girl. Any volunteers?


In other news I tried to find Icarax but was disappointed when no store had him. Again. He's meant to be out now. :( At least I have the awesome Mutran and Vican. :happy:


Other than that not much has happened. I got an A in poetry and an A+ in science. I was happy. That's it. :)


PS - My aunt was going to learn guitar, but got bored after a few weeks, so she gave me her semi-acoustic. ^_^ As a result I might be learning it soon.


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But every being needs to have a girl part and guy part to them so that they're in equilibrium. Suck away one part and that person will be forced to cross over to The Pink Side, and they can never return.


Oh, that's was your objective. Never mind...


Although I think I saw this on a cartoon show once. Kids Next Door, if I'm not mistaken.



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That all sounds rather terrifying. You need a name for this Kraata leech, and a catchy slogan...then you could sell them and make millions!


I bet Tufi would buy loads...



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Any suggestions? Besides Toa G. :P


Or maybe I'll just keep my name. I don't wanna wait 90 days to change it back.. :P

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Being an "it", I have no boy-ness. So the "Pink Leech" won't affect me. :P


"It" is a lack of a lack of boyness. As a result you lose.

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Being a girl is wonderful!


(I would change my name, but I can't for another month or so. >_>)



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