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So as you may have heard the Southern part of Illinois had an earthquake today. At 4:30 AM Central Time.


I did wake up at that time but I didn't notice it. Honestly I thought nothing of waking up that early as I have before. Of course others did as it was felt in Wisconsin.


Is weird if I actually want to know what it is like to actually feel an earthquake? Did anyone actually feel it?


Expect another entry later.




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I have the same problem. I'm always outside or asleep during our geoquakes, so I don't get to see the pictures on the wall rattle. So I've never felt or seen the effects of a quake.
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A few years ago, there was a very small quake in Northern Alabama, though I did feel it. I was asleep at the time, but it felt like someone was shaking me trying to wake me up (I remember wondering why someone wanted to wake me up that early). I also heard my door rattling in the frame. At the time I thought someone was trying to get in my room, but when I woke up that morning I learned that it was an actual earth quake.

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I live in East-central Illinois, and at 4:37 I woke up to my windows rattling. I thought it was thunder, because there was an actual rumbling. Then the whole room started to shake, so I knew it wasn't thunder. It was just kinda like a big vibrating and shuddering. A few of my mom's decorations fell off the walls, and a clock fell of the mantle of our fireplace.


At about 10:15 an aftershock went through. It was barely noticable; only a few people in my class noticed. I did not feel it, but I could hear glass beakers rattling (I was in Biology).

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