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Sick And A Sale



First, I'm not feeling too good, mostly due to pollen allergies attacking my nose and body. Yesterday at school was bad, because I had to go through classes with a runny nose and using tons of tissue. Today is just as bad, because here I am at home, but I don't want to lie down and feel sorry for myself, but it's not good to be sitting up doing homework (or blogging or playing the Flash Portal game). So pretty much I can't do anything, because I can't/don't want to. But here I am blogging, and I'm about to lie (sorta) on the couch to read The Hound of the Baskervilles (probably the one required reading book I don't mind reading. Sherlock Holmes FTW).




Anyway, I mentioned a sale in the entry title. Yessiree, I am having a sale on my Zamor Balls. While you can go to the topic, just post here and PM me and we'll get down to business. (More details about the authenticity and rarity of these and their size in the topic.)


The old price was $3 a ball plus whatever I decided for shipping.


The new price is still $3 a ball, plus free shipping on orders of three balls or more!

(If you only order 2 balls, shipping will be $2, totaling to $8)


I only ship to the 50 states in the US.


You send cash first. I'd rather not send first, even for staffies or TT's, but if you insist, I will, but it's more so a money issue.


Once we arrange a deal through email or PM, I'll give you my address in which to send money to.


Shipping will take 3-4 days, once I send it. This won't be until I receive your payment and I have time to get to the post office.


If you already arranged an order with me but no money has been sent yet, these new sale prices do change for your order!


Post here and PM me for more info, if you have questions.




-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: Diplomacy is the art of saying “nice doggy” until you can find a rock.


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I don't know how much. Why?


I do know that shipping for 2 of them is ~$3, and ten is ~$8.

But shipping costs no longer matter. $3 each with an order of 3 or more.



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