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Important Bs01 Wiki Update!



OK, Swert has just got a reply from Bink, and it is:


I've been getting PMs asking for the BS01 wiki to be turned back on - nice li'l campaign. Unfortunately I've been too busy with other things to really deal with it, but in the next few days we should be able to coordinate a time to let BS01 in to make changes.


Here's what I'd like to do...

  • * Set up a time where you'll have your staff ready to dive in and start working on the problem

* I'll turn BS01 back on at that time, for one hour, to let your guys work

* If it looks like the resource problem can't be solved in that hour, I turn it back off

* In that case, I can back up all the content somewhere, and send it to whoever you'd like for debugging.

I'd like to see BS01 get back online, but there are two constraints: one, it can't take BZP down; and two, I don't have much bandwidth to spend on it myself, so I can't do any real troubleshooting, but I'll do what I can to help get you what you need.


Let me know what time works for your guys. I'm generally available at 7 a.m. Pacific time through 3 p.m. Pacific time, and sometimes during the evening, Monday through Friday.


So here's the deal people. (And Swert told me to say this)


We will be notifying all of you 1 hour before it happens. During the 2 hours, do NOT go to the wiki until we have fully said "yes".


As Swert says, partice not to go onto the site, although you may have already mastered it :P


We ask for you patience and wish that all goes well.


For further information, you can ask them on this entry's talkback or the BS01 Offline topic.


With regards,




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Gah. I have to send people PMs about this...and I am growing bored of it...


Hope that several is enough to bring attention :P


Comment about it here people!


~ Bioran

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I don't like this... there is a high chance that many people won't see this message. Can you guys get a news article made about this?

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