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ToM Dracone


So, I'm back from vacation. It was very productive, and in a completely unexpected way: I started and finished one short story (seven pages handwritten) within two days after getting the idea, and I also got a very good start on another one whose idea I've had for a while. That second one I've been thinking about for literally years. It started out as a few paragraphs written for an exercise in a writing class two summers ago. Then I wanted to make a proper short story out it, so I've worked on it sporadically since then, but could never quite get the proper inspiration to just make it flow and work and sound nice. I had left it alone for months, and then last week I finally got that inspiration, sat down, and began writing it again from the top. Now I'm almost done with it... *dances*


And about the first one, it was quite an interesting experience writing it. Got the idea Friday evening, started around 11, then stayed up until 1:30 writing. Then I couldn't get to sleep, so I got back up around 2 and wrote some more. After that I still couldn't sleep properly (you know, one of those nights where you toss and turn constantly and your mind's in this sort of loop), so around 5:30 I gave up and wrote from then on. By dawn I had five pages written, and was feeling amazing. (But I still slept until 10:30 afterward.)


And then I wrote the last three later on that day, and wrote the last paragraph yesterday morning. I don't think I've ever finished anything in such a short time after getting the idea. Wish it would happen more often, if wishing so doesn't jinx it...


But anyway, the rest was quite relaxing. Visited a couple colleges as well, and fell in love with one of them; we'll see how others compare... Oh, and I got Toa Ignika as well, finally (belated birthday/Christmas present) – he's awesome, and the skyboard is quite a brilliant piece of work, just like Aanchir said. Also has a bunch of pieces I've been wanting (plus those delightful new (+O) ones), and will be making an MOC with soon. Related to Noctesquo in idea and somewhat in looks.


And yes, now that I'm back I can get Atrokan and Kairox up, for Kame. :P Have to dig up a few pieces for Kairox, but otherwise...


Oh, about the title, I'm now officially editor of the literary magazine next year. Not that there's been any question about it since I joined in 9th grade, but it's always nice for things to be set in stone (or in printer ink), isn't it?

~ ToM


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Also wants (+O) parts....


Will we get to see some of this writing?

(I wish non-Bionicle writing could be posted in the forums, but it'd probably be drowned by other CoT topics. I don't go into CoT anymore anyway. There should be a "Non-Bionicle Library" forum....)


Good luck with colleges.


Ooh, literary mag editor. Good job.



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1. Congrats on the writing spree.

2. Do your parents even care you stay up so late?

3. Congrats on Toa Ignika

4. Taipu, the set comes with four of those pieces, I believe

5. What college do you like?

6. Noctesquo?


8. Will you be finishing your Work-In-Progress Icarax Ikarax soon?

9. Yes, people don't recognize greatness until some authority approves it.

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DudeNuva ~ Swarthmore, but it was the first of several places like it, the rest of which I'll be seeing this summer...


Bundapu (hm, I like that one) ~ 4, as ReVenge said.


CF ~ I wouldn't mind showing it to people, but writing is so easy to plagiarize that I prefer not to make it public in a medium so easily stolen from. So the stories will stay on a couple smaller forums where I know everyone, I'm afraid...


ReVenge ~ Since it was over vacation, they didn't, and staying up half the night wasn't exactly my choice; Noctesquo; I don't actually have an Ikarax-in-progress, just ideas for how I'd make him (and I can't properly do him anyway without a red Kraahkan and black Pohatu arm).


Should answer a few things.

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you will PM me when they're posted won't you? *'bambi' eyes*




Oh, congrats on Ignika.. he sure is sweet! I love those (+O) pieces!


*awaits MOC*



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