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Spring In Denmark



Top 10 ways you can tell it's spring in Denmark:

  1. The smell of cow manure becomes more prominent... eye-wateringly so
  2. Screams from Legoland carry through the air much better
  3. Wind, wind, wind!
  4. There's more sunlight than darkness, dingy though it may be
  5. The office seems emptier these days, for some reason
  6. A shortage of bandages in the stores, due to football injuries
  7. Just when you start getting used to blue sky... it rains
  8. All those "hardy vikings" have colds
  9. Scarves become optional
  10. ... and your ice cream actually starts to melt if you don't eat it within half an hour


Recommended Comments

1) Been there. :annoyed2:


3) Is that good or bad? :P

4) Woot.

5) Party! :D

6) Wait ... which Football? :P

7) Meh, know what that's like. :(

8) Vhat? :o

9) Yeah, good thing with all that wind.

10) NOES! :cry:



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Dude, ya might wanna mention that 'football' refers to these American's soccer. :P




Actually, Soccer and Football are slightly different games. But Soccers an American game, and Footballs a game for don't know but it's what we play in the UK.

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1. O really? :psychotwitch:

2. Must have Legoland... :drooling:

3. Blowy wind? :huh:

4. Right. Dingy. :mellow:

5. Can I fill in the empty seats? :blush:

6. Okayyy... :talk2hand:

7. As always. :glare:

8. Hardy Vikings? You mean Lego Vikings :happydance: ? I mean their hard and their vikings...

9. Ooooo... Scarves...... :takepic:

10. Ice-cream? Melt? NEVER!! :dazed: !!

I used an emoticon on every comment. Woot.

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