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Live Life, The Orange Way!

The Driver


You probably guessed it by looking at the title.

My room has gone orange, very orange.


I have pics of it, but right now I'm not in the mood for resizing/uploading/posting them.

So that might go into tomorrow's entry.

Well come to think of it, it's not entirely done, I still have a closet to build.

Everything should be logged tomorrow.


I've gotten rid of a lot of old stuff as well, which means I have so much room now that it looks kinda empty...

Two extremes, I know.


Well that concludes everything that happened today, I think.


I feel obliged to tell you that I have finished a draft version of the last scene of the Second Boundless Episode.

Though I'm only half through, 4 pages.

I'm also going to rename it.

It was Rebirth, but now that I'm further into it, I think it has to be something more... fitting.


Titles like "Entity", "Dark Ship" and "Ghost" have crossed my mind.

And that should be somewhat of a hint...


Well, g'day everyone.





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What about white?

Hm, didn't really think about that one xD.

But my ceiling is white, and my horrible bed that's as long as I am.

orange is the color of the evil people from Stillwater........ *hides in corner humming "boomer sooner"*

Sssshhh, don't tell anyone.

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