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YAY i got back at 1:00 this morning from one of the best concerts i have been to. so far, the total concerts i've been to is 2. :P

the newsboys were amazing. first, we listened to three other bands play a few of thier songs. first up was article one. one of the members began playing his fiddle/violin(i can't tell which) behind his back and under his leg, which is so showing off. those guys have some totaly awsome songs, and we got thier first CD, we even got it signed! did i mention we had a perfect view of the stage? last time, i couldn't see their faces, we were so far back!


the second band was different, and rush of fools was loud! we had a ten minute intermission, during which we got a soda, and then the newsboys came on. the concert was a blast, and it was extremely loud. one of the band members, i can't remember his name, said that boise was the loudest audience so far, and some of us weren't even from Idaho! yes, i traved 3-4 hours to listen to the newsboys, if you include the time zone change. i noticed that a few songs had the location in a song changed to boise, which was funny. i can't wait for these guy's next concert!


after the concert was over, we squeezed oursevles into the crowd for the cool stuff at the booths. we got an article one CD, a newsboys CD/DVD pack and a t-shirt, and we signed up for Global tribe, a mission-like group that supports people in poverty in other countries. we got a free T-shirt, a hat, and a magazine when we signed up. I'm wearing the hat right now. once we spent all our money, we headed to a carl's JR. for a late dinner, then drove home. we had a balst, and yet i'm not tired form the drive home. (i slept on the way, waking up only a couple of times.)


i would have taken pictures, but the mini-camera i had wasn't working. oh well, who needs pictures when your ears are ringing for the next week and a half?


Jalina out

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