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I can't draw 'em but I sure am licensed to drive 'em! :happydance:



I'm more happy that I actually got to take the test than passing, after almost two whole years. I don't really need to drive in the city, but I've run into so many ridonkulous setbacks since I got my permit in 04 that I'm still in shock. On the downside, now I'll have to chauffer my sister places... in my mom's poorly drawn minivan.


And I don't care if my brother technically passed his test five minutes before me, we still got our licenses on the same day. I'm still the eldest kid, Ben, I still have authority!


:l: :e: :h: :v: :a: :k: :l: :a: :h:


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Okay, those drawings are hilarious, and not half bad.


Whoo! Drive-ethness! I can't wait to be able to drive... Except for the chauffering people (sibling) around part, of course. :P


Fear the eldest sibling's authority. :fear:



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What state is this in so I can be sure to steer clear of your minivan of doom? :P


Seriously, congratulations. It was 2 years after passing driver's ed before I finally got my full license: No need to drive to school, and there wasn't a car for me to drive anyway.



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My parents are rather frightened that it's only a couple years until I can learn to drive ... :evilgrin: But I'm nowhere near any of you (and I'm responsible too - wow, don't see that word around here often ;)), so no one need worry ...


But congrats, Lah. You did good. (You go girl - you go ahead and lord the position of firstborn ... we all do!)

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New Jersey. Where I live. As well as LZ.




:P Congrats Lah. The last frame made me crack up so badly...


I feel so young... two more years before I get my permit.


Cars are so annoying to draw if you don't know how. I mean, like you either got it or you don't, and if you don't, you can still draw it good if you try but it isn't half as cool or sleek looking as someone who gets it, you know?


Like it's so annoying the lines for the doors, they always stand out so much on it and make the car look so much less smooth, and all the tiny details in the machining on the shell, like the ridges and the rows and don't even get me STARTED on bumpers and--




I had a point somewhere in there but I think I lost it by the fifth word...


Yeah, and congrats. ^^ Happy chauffering driving!

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'I' before 'E'


Yes, I just had to say that.


But congrats. And hooray for Lyg's lack of a point. He'll learn to retain points better in the future, I suppose. :P

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