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Grocery Bags Are Multi-purpose



Is that obvious? Yes and no.


So you know those grocery bags you take home from the store (or any bag from most any store, for that matter)? No. Well, go shop somewhere while I talk to the people that know what I'm saying.


Anyway, those bags aren't just for holding stuff: they also double as nearly free advertising for the store you took the bag from. Think about it. What's on the outside of the bag? The store's logo.


This tells other people, "Hey, I shopped at Store X." (Store X's being popular in City Y of Country Z) While it doesn't say you'll shop at the place again, it does tell people that the store had your business. Like the saying goes: "There's no such thing as bad publicity."


Why do you think they double bag, for more support? Actually, it's in case you lose one of the store's free "flyers." :P


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM


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Oh, that's not their only additional purpose. As any cat owner knows, they're perfect for emptying the daily contents of a dirty litterbox into.
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And plastic bags are also good at making parachutes for your Bionicle(s). Even I tried it, and it prevents most damage such as; but not limited to: mask and arms flying everywhere, masks and legs flying everywhere, other pieces flying everywhere. You should try it, it's fun(Exept that one time where I forgot to put parachute bag, and threw it out the window... not a pretty sight).




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