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Bouncer Blog



T-Hybrid is currently getting situated in his new apartment. Due to this delay, today's blog entry is brought to you by a special guest writer.


Hey everybody. HybridGreymon here. The boss said he wasn't going to make it today so he asked me to fill in. I don't know what he expects me to write about, seeing as how I was only created like a few days ago. But he pays the bills, so here I am.


I hope y'all understand any typos or anything. After all I'm a 7 story dinosaur with a revovler for a hand. It's not exactly easy to find a keyboard I can type on. Not to mention I only have three fingers on the one hand.


Things are going smoothly around the Haven since I came into town, though there's a MachGaogamon that's a bit jealous of my job here. He's all like "Oh I'm blue too! And my boss is a member of the Blue Vice, why can't I get in!" So I tell him because he's not on the list, and he sulks off. The place is bouncing, but it's not that busy. Two 7 story bouncers would just be rediculous.


In other news, there isn't much other news. T-Boss wanted me to pass on that he ain't got no internet, and doesn't know when it'll be up, so for the meantime anything he's writing is going to be from whatever computer he can get to. I'm not going to tell him about this one, but that's just cause I'm greedy like that.


So sit tight, and T will be back eventually to do whatever it is he's been doing here. I guess there's some contest he's taking part in that he doesn't want to miss. And I'm wondering if he'd want to know about this Mask one that just started.


Well, that's all I've got today. Not bad. Wish it hadn't taken me an hour to write. But like I said, three fingers. Yeah.

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Hope T-Hybrid gets a computer soon.

But you'll have to do for now. Keep typing, as you'll get better with practice. But also keep out folks like that other digimon, Makuta, Hapori Dume, etc.

Oh, and put me on the list. I'd love to come in sometime, have some fun, meet the cool group.


have fun, T-Hybrid

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