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Join The Movement!



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Omicron's a genius! It started with Schizo, then a few more had the same idea, and now this whole mess has a name. So go ahead and pimp out that blog of yours. I don't know if anybody's officially laid any ground work, so let's see if I can't offer a few suggestions:
  • A Logo/Main Graphic
  • Custom Content Blocks with Section Buttons
  • A Custom Title (____'s Blog is default)

That's only the beginning. I'm sure people will come up with other ways to stylize their blogs. Heck, I've already noticed a few Bouncers begginning to pop up. HybridGreymon doesn't mind, though he asks that they keep off "his" turf.

Speaking of HGM, he did a pretty good job on his entry Wednesday, enough where I think I'm going to keep him on the writing staff as well as security detail. He won't get paid double, but don't tell him that. I figure he's good to have on hand in case I get busy again.

Other News:
As HGM let you know, I've moved into the new place and everything's starting to get into motion. Everything except a job, and Internet. I never thought I'd get so confused about something regarding computers. But I am, and now we're trapped in this shoddy Internet service provider, while a better service sits at Best Buy taunting us.


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Omi has started a fad. I have created a monster.

If it helps you feel better...I think it's Schizo's fault. You just gave it all a name. And once named, it can officially become a fad. ;)

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I'm glad it wasn't my fault, at least...I think. :o


So, since I'm going to join a movement, I guess...



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Haha, my blog was one of the first. After Schizo, Omi, and Torhu, that is. ;)


:lookaround: It seems most people make some graphics for their latest MOCs/artwork/epics/all or some of the above.



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