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Life Sucks.



Why can't I say no? It's just a little two letter word. It's one of the first words you learn and understand.


But sometimes I just can't say it. It's so hard for me.


Kindness isn't something you come across too often in this world of ours. You know why? Then you get taken advantage of.


Nice guys finish dead last. Every time.


I say this now, but I'll do it again. And again. And again.




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I am well aware of this Kex, as I am sure you have seen me rant on about life elsewhere. Thats why for the most part I quit being a nice guy.

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It's hypocritical how girls will be like "LOLZ I WANTS A NICE GUY WHOS KIND AND CARING!111!!11one!!!!", yet when that guy comes along, they turn on them, and go for the #####.


I feel your pain.





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Indeed. And sometimes when one is so interested in making the world a better place, he ends up being the only one with that goal.


But alas, I could not care less how much kindness I see, I stand true to my goals, and say yes when I can. It may not seem fair, but considering the question of ethics, it is best to be moral in an inmoral would than inmoral in a careless world.



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Someone at our lunch table said "nice guys finish last" the other day. And the girl sitting next to me (who I may or may not be interested in) says "I'd much rather date a nice guy than a mean guy"


I about died. Because one of the things I always hear her talk about is the things her boyfriend does that aren't nice.

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Kex, you're a pal and I love you, man, but for crying out loud, remove your head from your posterior.


Self-professed "nice guys" seriously need to re-examine their motives. If they are really so nice, why do they whine and complain so much?


Read this comic.


Catch the satire?


Real nice guys are nice because they are. Real nice guys aren't veiled misogynists. Real nice guys don't scorn a woman because she isn't attracted to him. Real nice guys don't complain about the heartlessness of evil females or blubber angrily over how they always 'finish last' despite being 'so nice.'


Real nice guys don't refer to themselves as 'nice guys.'

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Yes, life sucks. You know what also does? That I found this:






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I'm sorry Kex, but I really lol'd at the above quote. =P


Smeag I agree with on, he is smart and compiled that when I didn't have the time to. *Claps*

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