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It's Done!



Oooh... finally...


About three to four straight hours of working (read: slapping it together). Felt like a lot longer. I think my fingers have blisters... >~<


Get the feeling B_D will prolly win, hers is pretty spiffy. Well, I gave it a shot. My AC attendance record is still (I think) perfect.


*checks* There's 8 (Eh, not bad, considering how long ago this was) 9 (Sucked. If you're really curious, dig it up yourself. I refuse to link to it.) 10 (I like it, but in hindsight, shoulda been more saturated) 11 (That Muaka don't look half bad. Emblem's a bit off though. Is it just me or was I subconsciously emulating the Thundercats logo?) 12 (Horrific background, decent coloring) 13 (When was this contest? Predator Preyed was certainly my greatest effort so far, so I suspect perhaps the summer... I can see easily where I could have done better, but I still like it) and 14 (Also a last-minute rush job. Background is arguably worse than AC12 since I tried to do more but less of it went right. Hm. Tahu's shading is good though...).


So yeah. I'm not sure if AC7 was over before I joined, but I've entered everything since AC8. And I plan to maintain that for as long as possible! So yeah!


And I broke 5000 posts. And I don't THINK I failed either of the exams that I DIDN'T study for because I was working on my AC entry!


Also, if Tolk's steampunk theme had been chosen, I would have been CGing this.


Happy Mayday!




Recommended Comments

I wish I'd entered, maybe I coulda beaten my old record of 3 votes.


I was a bit blurry on the theme though, how is it "compatable"


EDIT: Good drawing BTW

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