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Ask Me Questions, Little Nerds!



*jumps at the bandwagon and misses by 30.8 feet*

Ya, I'm late. Sue me.

No, don't. Nevermind. Just ask stuff. To me, dimwits! That's my MOC block!

(really Bunda)


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How did you arrive at such precise measurements while the bandwagon was driving away at a speed of 60.798 MPH?


What it 60.798 MPH in KPH?


Why is the US so backward that we can't use the infinitely more simple Metric System?


Why did the chicken cross the road?


When did you start MOCing?


What color is my font?


When will I leave?


Why I am still here?


Are you using your Bunneh Majik to hold me hostage?


Why isn't Bunneh Majik on your list of words to capitalize?


Can I go now?



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How did you arrive at such precise measurements while the bandwagon was driving away at a speed of 60.798 MPH?


What it 60.798 MPH in KPH?


Why is the US so backward that we can't use the infinitely more simple Metric System?


Why did the chicken cross the road?


When did you start MOCing?


What color is my font?


When will I leave?


Why I am still here?


Are you using your Bunneh Majik to hold me hostage?


Why isn't Bunneh Majik on your list of words to capitalize?


Can I go now?



Doesn't matter.

Don't care.

Well, duh.

To eat the T-rex.

When I was a wee lad.


.6 minutes.

Because of the chicken.


Because I'm lazy.

No. Not .6 minutes yet.



(really Bunda)

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How much Wood could a Woodchuck chuck if a Woodchuck could chuck Wood?


What is the average air speed velocity of an unladen European Swallow?


How many pairs of glasses do I have?


When is my birthday?


How old am I?



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When will you make a Bunneh like this poorly done one that I just did in Paint as an example?




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I can has Bunneh Majik?

No wai!

How much Wood could a Woodchuck chuck if a Woodchuck could chuck Wood?


What is the average air speed velocity of an unladen European Swallow?


How many pairs of glasses do I have?


When is my birthday?


How old am I?


~ :t: :m: :n:

Six and a half chucks, I'd say.


... trick question!







If TMN had infinite time, how many questions would he ask?


When will you make a Bunneh like this poorly done one that I just did in Paint as an example?




Soon, very soon.

Do you credit me with the creation of Bunneh Majik?
Can I play Portal?


O rly?



Ya rly!



(really Bunda)

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I can has Bunneh Majik?

No wai!

How much Wood could a Woodchuck chuck if a Woodchuck could chuck Wood?


What is the average air speed velocity of an unladen European Swallow?


How many pairs of glasses do I have?


When is my birthday?


How old am I?


~ :t: :m: :n:

Six and a half chucks, I'd say.
Wrong, 42.


... trick question!




Wrong, 3.







If TMN had infinite time, how many questions would he ask?

Actually, 57.

When will you make a Bunneh like this poorly done one that I just did in Paint as an example?




Soon, very soon.

Do you credit me with the creation of Bunneh Majik?
Can I play Portal?


O rly?



Ya rly!



(really Bunda)



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