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Ob Mission #1 Prelims.



The entry with the least amount of votes is out, and doesn't continue to the semis. Please don't vote for your own entry.


Entry #1

By ~Poschary~

I stood behind a huge rock,spying on an Ellipse.

I tried to figure out it’s PI,so I would know how big

bullets I would need to shoot it down.

“I think this bullet will be okay to shoot it down.”

To late I realized the Ellipse had fled.

“Footprints,this’s gonna be easy.”

I followed the footprints in what I feeled,one hour.

“It ends here,so where’s the Ellipse?”

“Aha,a round rock.”

A thud echoed.

“No need to shoot it,when you could shoot a rock over it,

making the Ellipse buried in rocks!”


Entry #2

By ~Pulsar444~

I was in my space cruiser directly above the ellipse camp. I saw our army moving in. Thinking quickly I decided to unleash a deadly gamma ray on the camp. I released the ray handle only to unleash a thud of gas. I was as clueless as a kindergardener taking a trigonometry test. I tried again. Nothing. I was now getting very nervous as part of the army was about to be obliberatde in combat. I did the only thing to do. I dive-bombed the Ellipse camp. My cruiser colllided with flying bullets and burst into flames. I was in deep trouble. I scrambled out of the burning craft, activated my jet pack and started flying immediately to the army. Then I noticed a group of the enemy following me. In a fews seconds I was shot down. Since I was in space I floated up into the hands of more ellipses. I was captured and brought to a large rock in Uranus's ring. I immediately started fighting. I was getting close to the end of my rope where I saw a gleaming metal object. It was scared and burnt. It was my cruiser, floating very close to the rock! I just hoped it still worked. I used my laser rifle and shot the nearest rock. It exploded into smitherenes. I grabbbed hold of one and started slowly but surely using my damaged jet pack to the cruiser. I looked back. I saw that a hundred or so ellipses charging after me. One shot and it hit my jetpack right when I was a foot away from the craft. I jumped and landed. Then I soared off trying to find me friends and fight the final battle.


Entry #3

By OnyxYoshi

I was travelling though the winding passages of the ellipse fortress with my yoshi comrades when three elite ellipses and 20+ ellipses ambushed us from behind. They thought a small yoshi scout party would be no problem they wrong dead wrong. We gunned down the smaller ellipses with eggs but the elite ellipses were immune to the basic egg so we went on them hand to hand I was knocked out by a large rock the ellipse chucked at me so when I awoke I saw that there were no ellipses and all the yoshis were sitting around a small fire I asked the blue yoshi sitting next to me what happened he said those ellipses were yummy.


Entry #4

By Barrakshi

*looks around**sees an ellipse*hehehehe...*gets staff of odd nightmares ready* this should be fun....MWHAHAHA!

*ellipse sees barrahkshi*

Oh snapple!*barrahkshi uses staff of odd nightmares*

*ellipse shows barrahkshi a mountain dew*


*ellipse shows an amp energy drink*


*ellipse shows barrahkshi all flavors of retired mountain dew flavors in unopened cans*


*ellipse shows barrahkshi the supernova mountain dew that hasn't been released yet in an actual can*

*barrahkshi twitches*must...not....snap...must..not..AIEEEEEEEEE!!! *snaps* GIVE IT!!! NOW!!!

*tackles ellipse*

*ellipse dodges*

*barrahkshi gets frustrated* *screams extremely loud, almost knocking the ellipse unconscious*


*censored for violence, gore, and whatever*

*ellipse falls face first into the ground*


*drinks an amp energy drink*


*takes all the cans of mountain dew*

Victory has been achieved AWESOMEly with AWESOMEness!!*twiches* ummm..um....eee.....*faints due to caffeine and sugar overload*


Entry #5

By -Lawliet-

I shrugged my shoulders together so that no part of my body was visible to the dreaded Ellipse. I had a Turn-O-Ray ready in my hand, but there were several Ellipses surrounding him. I realized that if I do shoot them all down, the one I am focusing on will come running after me and I would eventually be captured and executed. I looked all around. The coast was clear. I quietly ran inside a big bush, and for some reason was able to not make sound as I did so. The suspense was rising.

I looked through a teeny hole in the bush at what they were doing. Luckily I had my visual Ellipse-Language Translator! I pointed at the Ellipses who were having a conversation and the translator read, "Where do you think they all went?" The rest of the crew shook their heads, and they did something to end the meeting, I suppose. I checked and the coast was clear except for the ellipse that I was focusing on. Through the little hole in the bush, I shot the rest of them down, and nobody would suspect it was from inside the bush. So the Ellipse I was lookng at continues his work.

He seemed to have some kind of badge that the others didn't have. That could mean that he's a leader of some type. I realized it would be too dangerous to go in and attack him alone, but I went for it anyway. I shot the man down, but as I did he had called other Ellipses and they came to surround me. I was able to shoot most of them down, but they eventually captured me.


So, by the time you read this line, I will have been long captured and maybe close to executed. But my OB contact number is 42427. You may click that link to contact me. If i reply, please send a message to the others of the Oi Brigade Members.


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