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Ask Seran



For lack of any particularly interesting recent thoughts or events...you may now ask Seran anything you wish.


I won't necessarily answer though, but...yeah.


::current mood::





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Not sure whether you'll find the answer too sensitive for posting publicly, but you can answer via PM if you like. I've been waiting to ask someone this but I'm not sure if it's the sort of thing you can just ask, so feel free not to answer at all if you choose.


Anyway, describe what you think sets you apart from non-gay males. I'm not talking just "I like guys more than girls," I want to know some details. If you want to know why, I feel it's long overdue for me to include a gay character in one of my stories, and neither literary or nonobjective factual sources tend to offer answers on such things (sadly, literature and fiction tends not to include gay or lesbian characters for anything besides comic relief, with some noteworthy exceptions like the Harry Potter books). For instance, are you as uncomfortable around guys as straight guys sometimes are around girls, or as comfortable as straight guys are around other guys? Do you have any behaviors that set you apart from straight guys? (Again, these sorts of things are too subtle in serious depictions and too exaggerated [often offensively-seeming] in comedic ones.)


That's about it, as I don't write much outside of BZP and BIONICLE-related stuff and thus really don't need any information that would either only matter if the relationship were the focus of the story (which would probably get the story closed) or be in such detail as to break BZP rules (not like I could or would feel license to ask such things anyway, much less get them answered :P ). And again, if you don't want to answer any of this stuff just go ahead and delete the comment, or if you're comfortable enough just respond via PM. I feel silly asking stuff like this personally instead of just researching but honestly in the society we live in you can't really find out any other way.

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