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War Of The Last-minute Edits



I get the sense BCJ isn't going to be very happy if I win in the Other category. :P


But to expound upon Smeag's words of truth in the last entry, modern English is really a pretty pathetic language. It's confusing, its rules often contradict or are completely ignored, and it isn't even creative enough to come up with words for itself (it has to steal most of them from French, Greek, or Latin). People walk around with the vocabulary of Rick Astley (whose big hit consisted of a rotation of about three different lyrics), speaking only in colloquialisms which they often get wrong anyway. Grammar is ignored or even changed to appease common errors (i.e.: its vs. it's, or "Hey, now you don't have to spell "doughnut" with a "ugh"--YES I'M LOOKING AT YOU NIKIRA).


Thus, I am now officially boycotting English. Instead, I will now speak...


... :m::a::t::m_o::r::a::n:.




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But the fact you can speak this language in any way at all, gives you bragging rights over all other language speakers and their less confusing languages.

also its easy to make language jokes

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Si tu veux une langue qui fonctionne mieux, il y a toujours le français. :P

Vrai, Tiome, vrai. :P


As for clicking the emoticons, I typed them all manually. >=D

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(i.e.: its vs. it's, or "Hey, now you don't have to spell "doughnut" with a "ugh"--YES I'M LOOKING AT YOU NIKIRA








I can't help it if that's the way I spell it, man! : P



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But... Matoran isn't a language. It's just letters.



But I suppose you could say something like, um...

Rahi toa!
(other heroes?)

(really Bunda)

Edit: Also Manas (monster) and zya (attack). So I guess your sentence could be "Rahi manas toa zya!"
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But... Matoran isn't a language. It's just letters.






But I suppose you could say something like, um...


Rahi toa!

(other heroes?)



(really Bunda)


Edit: Also Manas (monster) and zya (attack). So I guess your sentence could be "Rahi manas toa zya!"


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