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Every Heart

Angel Beat


Hmm, maybe it's time to give you guys some insight in my blog entry titles... As of some time ago, I started to use song titles for my blog entries, but why? Why would Val use song titles for blog entry titles?


Well, the answer is quite simple. It's my own little version of the "What Are You Listening To..." topic. That's right, the title is from the song I'm listening to when I finish my blog entry. And it also saves me the trouble of thinking of a good title for my blog. :P


As you might have noticed, I changed my profile pic into one of my most favorite BoA pictures ever. And before you ask, yes, I made that border myself. ^^;


And I ordered a cool looking pendant to go with my scorpion necklace. I should receive it in 3-4 weeks if it isn't sold out already. <.<;;


As I'm sitting here thinking of something to type, I keep getting flashes in my mind of a big battle. A very big, gory battle. I don't know why, but it isn't pretty.


Anywho, that should round everything up for today. ^_^


Cya around!



IPB Image


Namie Amuro


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I'm so stealing that motif for my blog. Song references are the best things ever.


For those that get them, anyway...

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Most of my blog posts are song titles.

However, I don't think I was listening to a single one of them when I posted them, and I already have a "CURRENTLY LISTENING TO" thangamathang. So that fails utterly.

But it saves me the time of thinking of a witty title.

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I'm so stealing that motif for my blog. Song references are the best things ever.


For those that get them, anyway...

Stealing is bad, borrowing, on the other hand, is good... :P


Most of my blog posts are song titles.

However, I don't think I was listening to a single one of them when I posted them, and I already have a "CURRENTLY LISTENING TO" thangamathang. So that fails utterly.

But it saves me the time of thinking of a witty title.

It's especialy handy when you're pressed for time. :D


First 'Pimp My Blog'...

And now this.


It evolves on its own.<song reference xD

At least I started with the song references on the 11th of July... <.<;;

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So...what happens if you happen to finish an entry during a song you've already used.


*dun dun dunununununun!!!!*

Then I'll wait until the next song comes around. ^_^

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