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So last night went to spread some cheer to my friend Kay on the instant messaging thingy. Instead, we became mortal enemies:


KKN_GN: It's Josie!

Senjo: Why, it's Kay!

Senjo: *runs up and hugs her firecely* ^^

KKN_GN : *eeek, is hugged fiercely*

Senjo : ^^

KKN_GN: *hugs back fiercely and challenges Senjo to a HUG BATTLE*


There was no way on Earth that I could turn down a challenge like that.

Senjo : *GASP*

Senjo : I accept!

Senjo : *sumo hug*


Kay was quick to retaliate:

KKN_GN: *football quarterback hug*


And so I decided to smother things with a low blow:

Senjo: *Barney Hug*

Senjo: Crowd: Gasp!


But Kay knew how to fight fire with fire:

KKN_GN: *Clifford Hug!*


By the time we were through, we had created a most ingenius list of hugs. And we’ve never been better enemies. The final list looks something like this:

KKN_GN: *Adoring father hug*

Senjo: *I-want-some-of-your-fries hug*

KKN_GN: *I-have-no-money-and-you're-holding-a-twenty hug*

Senjo : *clingy little sister hug*

KKN_GN :*snobby clique hug*

Senjo : *let me test how far I can stretch my arms in this new shirt hug*

KKN_GN: *sideways hug - for subtlety, and in the car*

Senjo: *manly hug*

Senjo: ... *the stiff 'I dislike everything about you but I'm going to kill you with politeness' hug*

KKN_GN: The ... I am Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. Hug.

KKN_GN: The. William. Shatner. Hug.

Senjo: The 'it's Okay man, you can crash at my place' hug

Senjo: the 'Man, I'm so glad it happened to you, not me' hug

KKN_GN: The "I'm so glad you're here" hug.

KKN_GN : The "You saved my life!" hug and the "I am indebted to you forever!" hug.

Senjo: The 'You make me so happie' hug

Senjo: The 'OMGosh I love you! OOH NO did I do that in front of everyone?' hug

KKN_GN: The "I think I love you - so what am I so afraid of?" hug!

Senjo: The "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!... DON'T you ever leave again!" hug

KKN_GN : The ... Lederhosen hug!

Senjo: ... putting a little leg into it, eh?

KKN_GN: Oh yeah.

KKN_GN: Ooh, the Moulin Rouge hug!

KKN_GN: The bullet-time hug!

Senjo: oo


And soon after:


Senjo: *the thank you for humoring me hug*

Tolan: *The don't mention it hug.*

Jo: *the I'm just so happy to be alive, and that you all are too, hug!*




Which just goes to show that Hugh, and only Hugh, can prevent Florist Friars.


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I freaking love the "You killed my father. Prepare to die. Hug." You and Kay are hilarious! XD We've gotta have another battle sometime, Schmjo!

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YES. Inigo Montoya hug was probably the best.


Plus, the puchline at the bottom is so funny XP. I love that joke.

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I think I fell in love with you and Kay.


*I think I fell in love with you and Kay hug*


*Awkward never met you before but thinks you're cool so far hug*



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*I-have-no-money-and-you're-holding-a-twenty hug*


(i stop my onslaught of laughter) here's another hug,


*Gimme-that-gum-that-you-are-hiding-behind-your-back hug*

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Well, not all that sad, but I haven't heard nothin' from any of you folks for ages now. Except for Tolan, due to the whole IRL friendship thing, even though he moved away and I don't get to see him anymore since he lives out in some state that is suspiciously shaped like something other than a hand. Pfffttt.


And the florist friars joke is one of the finest ever. For the win.

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OMGosh... it's Krahka!!!


*hugs her incessantly* How you BEEN? I had no idea you had AIM! As it was, I've been gone for ages, I just got on again within the last month. It's crazy. I JUST ADDED YOU!! As long as your AIM name is the same one on your profile, I'll see you when you get on! I'm puller of plugs - it's that looong story from back in the BGC when RZ posted something racy, so I 'pulled the plug' on it... anyway. :P



Isn't it the best?? I use it every once in a while, for a random punch line. People around here seem to get a kick out of it.

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