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Yardwork is one of the most pointless tasks/chores that I do at home. I don't mind mowing the lawn or setting the sprinklers but there is one thing that will never make sense to me. And this is why my mother insists on having a green yard. It's not like anyone drives by and says "Wow, they don't have any dandelions in their yard." In fact, people only notice the yards that are pure yellow. So, since the flowers are practically impossible to get rid of, why make your children work for hours every day for 3-4 months just to live a dream that no one but you cares about?


Oh, and anyone who can use all of the following words in two sentences gets a prize: flavour, favour, favourite, colour, humour, centre, metre, litre. Adding prefixes like "milli-", "kilo-", etc. on "metre" and litre" is accepted. The closest I got with one sentence was "Why don't you do yourself a favour and move a few kilometres to the centre of your favourite town."


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The 10 litre beverage of a green colour had an interesting flavour. It did him the favour of putting a metre of his favourite humour into the centre of his boring day.


It makes no sense, but whatever. :P

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If you'd humour me and do me a favour by fetching me a litre of my favourite flavour of ice cream in the little coloured building a few metres from the centre of town, I'd be grateful. :)



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The 10 litre beverage of a green colour had an interesting flavour. It did him the favour of putting a metre of his favourite humour into the centre of his boring day.


It makes no sense, but whatever. :P

But it's still funny.


Dandelions = prettier than grass.



(really Bunda)

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My parents are the exact same way. This is a transcript of the conversation:


Parent: Remove all of the twigs from the ground. They make the yard look too brown.

Me: So I remove the twigs to expose the soil underneath?

Parent:... just do it.

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Would you humour and do me the favour of getting me ice cream in my favourite flavour? You can find a litre of it, in the colour green, about a metre from the centre of the room.


My least favourite form of yard work is digging holes in really rocky, clay-like, and ant-filled ground. And it's always holes for big Sequoia trees too... >_<



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