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This Entry Ends With Fire!



Your house started to shake, the heavens opened up, and God Himself spoke you and said this:




"But my names Billy-"




-The Rock


I woke up officially this afternoon at 1:10 PM. I was on my mom's bed with the phone next to me, for my mom called this morning at 9 to attempt to wake me up and remind me that my appointment with Doctor Kennings, a surgeon, to see my condition (I'll give you a hint as to what it is, in War World II it was called 'Jeep Rider's Disease').


The appointment is at 1:30, twenty minutes.


Jump get up, brush my teeth, pick the clothes to wear, go to the bathroom, and decide to do a quick shave. Since Wednesday, considering I wouldn't be doing anything social, I let my 5 o'clock shadow grow out into a very dark version of peach-fuzz. I slap some shaving cream on my neck and a bit on my cheeks, and make chin straps. I must say, they look good on me... I think I'll keep them until otherwise.


After showing up four minutes late and doing some paperwork, I get into the office, he ejects some local anesthesia to numb the area of the infection(first time and I thought I would get temporarily KO'ed), did some procedure, patched me up, and I was on my way. Glad he did the anesthesia too, because my friend's mother had a cyst (<-another hint) too, only in the back of her leg, and she said (because without anesthesia) it hurt worse than giving birth.


I come home, pockets filled with information on the thing, take a Tylenol to reduce the pain, and hop on BZP.


A few hours pass and my dad comes by for our weekly night-out together (because he has the right to do so, says da law) and we go to the Natick Collection. 'Speed Racer' doesn't sound like its worth the time, and seeing some of the reviews, it wasn't. Good judgment on my part.


[insert big, cocky, I-one-upped-you HA! here]


Got my mom her 'Thanks For Not Getting An Abortion' Day gift (Mother's Day to you guys) I walk out of Macy's, and picked up a VERY nice shirt from American Eagle:




Love it. Got it for 12 bucks too (clearance is wear its at).


As I walked with my dad, I looked down on the floor below in the Center of the mall, and see a girl from Maynard, Sam. Its been a while, so I call down, wave to her, and she stupidly tries to start a conversation when I'm twenty to thirty feet above her. Pretty sure she started talking trash the moment I was out of sight, that being the 'perfect, better-than-you' preppy party girl that she is. Not to mention another one of the Model Preps was there too.


Blog Assistants, if you rather this part says out of the entry, be my guest.


The Model Preps had a split. Let me give you a character view first.


Brooke - Had a crush on her, and got crushed. Then made fun of. Hate her. Hardcore drinker, and I dunno if she smokes, but I do know she celebrated 4/20 if that tells you something. Loves to be mean-spirited and insult behind one's back. Nice to anyone that meets her standards.


Kathryn - Formerly sweet and innocent now lost and a tool to weed, alcohol and society, like the people she hangs out with. Unlike the others, she can think for herself but is easily influenced. Very nice girl that fell into the wrong crowd. Use to have a crush on her too. Did the one time coke with Alyssa. Unsure if addicted to said substance.


Alyssa - Last year was a rookie druggie. Weed, alcohol, cigarettes, and one time coke (unsure if addicted). She has plenty of experience in drugs now. Immature and has high standard. Would like anybody that would go good with addictions.


Ryann - Hardcore drinker, pot smoker. She's pretty on the outside, but inside, another better-than-you kind of girl.


Sam - The blondy. The unofficial leader with Brooke. Prefers drinking than smoking. A complete fake. Expect some criticism after you turn your back from her.


Brooke and Kathryn were called tools, stupid, and the 'B' word by Alyssa, Ryann, and Sam, and were also called 'scrubby'. Scrubby means unclean, filthy, inferior. You can imagine the reaction. Think is, Brooke and Kathryn didn't do anything that Alyssa, Ryann, Sam didn't. They were practically clones. Every week or two they dyed their hair a different color. They were all tools. Still are, just not friends after that.


Now Alyssa, Sam, and Ryann think they're so cool when everyone sides with Brooke and Kathryn on this argument.


I hate most of them, so I'm definitely enjoying this...


I continue walking with dad, and see another familiar face from a distance. I speed up my walk to say hi to her, but then I see her stop, grab her boyfriend, then drag him into Spencer's, the store right next to them.


I'm thinking, "Its like that? Alright then, have it your way." Walk pass the store, went into F.Y.E. and checked the price on a Nickelback CD.


We have a weird past together. Mostly her making a fool out of me and this one time I got her McDonald's at the drive-thru using my bike when she couldn't go inside wearing roller blades. Its weird, like I said.


After that, me and my dad decide to just cut to the dinner and we head to UNO's for dinner. Gotta say, when I asked for medium well-done when I meant just well-done, I enjoyed it less.


I have a confession to make.


I really enjoyed this night with my dad.


Its weird. I mean, you all read my entries. The story the made me who I am. That one event over a year ago...


Ah crud.










My apartment complex was in blazes...




At 4:04 this morning, as in just now, we had a fire drill. Our buzzer was beeping an ear-piercing sound three times every second.


My gosh how annoying.


The fact its 4 AM and a drill on a Saturday morning where some people, like my mom, still have to go to work when the sun rises, is stupid enough!


*angry sigh with a lot of whatever*


I get up from this computer, in which I was just starting to get into that deep, emotional state I usually do in entries, walk over to my mom's door, which unknowingly is opening and my mom walks out of the darkness like a freakin' ghost and scares me a bit, we try to figure out what in the he(ck) is going on, and realize that the entire building is buzzing. She grabs blankets, tell me to get my sister (who was in the process of waking up) and a sweater. Grab the one I won from Pepsi (the Mountain Dew Zip-Up keeps me warm, thanks again Pepsi :P) and I head downstairs. At this point, I know its a drill. All the doors in the hallways are closed already. I mean, seriously.


Head outside the lobby and she some people either heading out or already out, and my sister, mom and I head for our Ford Explorer to stay warm. Its cold people. Because the sun is still shining on Greenland.


After the alarm stops and I see everyone going back into the lobby, the we go back in, I make some chocolate milk (WITH FOUR SPOONS OF NESQUICK) and come back here, where I started this story.




Its 5 AM, I'm gonna go to sleep now...


Night everyone...




Recommended Comments

Only read the first half of the entry...


Anyway, I never do anything for Mother's Day, Father's Day or Grandparents Day.[/cheapskate]



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As a matter of fact, I only skim your entries. :P I look at the important parts only.



You lead a drastic life. And that's a lot, coming from me. DX



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Oh, that happened at the mall with me once. I saw an old friend, and she saw me.


Then she screamed and turned around to run away, smacked into a guy, and fell down the escalator. And to think, she was just scared because I was at the mall with Billy and Mandy and that tall creepy caped guy...



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