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But What Does It Mean?



17 days until graduation!


Clear your mind and tell me what this means to you:


"Safety over sanity."


I made it up last week, but I don't know what it means. I'd love to know, so I can start using it everywhere. Sounds like a band name. Or the future name of my blog if I really feel like it before I change it to something really awesome everybody loves.


I don't know!


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: Her hair glistened in the rain like nose hair after a sneeze.


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Or the future name of my blog if I really feel like it before I change it to something really awesome everybody loves.

As long as the blog description stays the same.

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Or the future name of my blog if I really feel like it before I change it to something really awesome everybody loves.

As long as the blog description stays the same.

Glad you like it, nobody had said anything yet.

Unfortunately, the description will have to match the title for a while. You'll see why in a few weeks, once school is over and I can make new nav bars.



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Deleting World History... Please Wait...

Deleting Work Files... Please Wait...

Deleting Logic... Please Wait...

Deleting Non-Logic... Please Wait...

Deleting Bonesiii... Please Wait...

Deleting Greg F... Please Wait...

Deleting Process Complete... Please Wait While We Transfer You...


Command = "Safety over sanity."//Define...


Entering Command... Please Wait...


Command Entered... Please Wait For Answer...


Please Wait...


Please Wait...


Definition Incoming... Please Wait...


!!! WARNING !!!


Error Alert!


The Error Returned Was : Problem Transfering Files. Please Try Again.



Command = "Safety over sanity."//Define...


Entering Command... Please Wait...


Command Entered... Please Wait For Answer...


Please Wait...


Please Wait...


Definition Incoming... Please Wait...


Definition Recieved... Please Wait...


Definition - "Safety over sanity."


Defined - Meaning - Ignore Sanity. Go With Your Own Safety First.


Shutting Down... Please Wait...


Shutting Down... Please Wait...


Shutting Down... Please Wait...


Shutting Down... Please Wait...


Shutting Down... Please Wait...


Shutting Down... Please Wait...


Shutting Down... Please Wait...


Shutting Down... Please Wait...


Shut Down Complete...


Good Bye...

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And I will use it as a band name.



Please do. And send me a CD.


» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Deleting Homework... Pleases Wait...

Deleting Church Sermons... Please Wait...

Deleting Study Cards... Please Wait...

Deleting Names... Please Wait...

Deleting World History... Please Wait...

Deleting Work Files... Please Wait...

Deleting Logic... Please Wait...

Deleting Non-Logic... Please Wait...

Deleting Bonesiii... Please Wait...

Deleting Greg F... Please Wait...

Deleting Process Complete... Please Wait While We Transfer You...


Command = "Safety over sanity."//Define...


Entering Command... Please Wait...


Command Entered... Please Wait For Answer...


Please Wait...


Please Wait...


Definition Incoming... Please Wait...


!!! WARNING !!!


Error Alert!


The Error Returned Was : Problem Transfering Files. Please Try Again.



Command = "Safety over sanity."//Define...


Entering Command... Please Wait...


Command Entered... Please Wait For Answer...


Please Wait...


Please Wait...


Definition Incoming... Please Wait...


Definition Recieved... Please Wait...


Definition - "Safety over sanity."


Defined - Meaning - Ignore Sanity. Go With Your Own Safety First.


Shutting Down... Please Wait...


Shutting Down... Please Wait...


Shutting Down... Please Wait...


Shutting Down... Please Wait...


Shutting Down... Please Wait...


Shutting Down... Please Wait...


Shutting Down... Please Wait...


Shutting Down... Please Wait...


Shut Down Complete...


Good Bye...

LOL wut.


It means you have to wear a life jacket.


And seat belts.



Here's the thing, to both Dalek and Bunda (yay name change!), well, maybe not Bunda, but if I have safety, aren't I sane? Or rather, wanting safety would not prove insanity. Or maybe I want to be safe because what I'm about to do would be considered insane.


See? Confusing.



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Hold on...

"Insane" means doing the same thing expecting different results, yes?


That doesn't help...


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For your safety, it is best to go insane and remain oblivious to reality. What you don't know / understand won't hurt you... or at least you won't know / understand its hurting you, so you're in comfort until you die.



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While I am not too sure what your statement means, I just thought that I would hand you this:



(do you think that it's too big?)


Because I think that you are a neat guy and I do like your blob! I mean blog...






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