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Help Wanted; Myths Article




I love blogs. Great way to organize you folks to do my work for me. :P

(Kidding.. mostly...) *ahem* Well, after being busy for a couple months this spring then working on tons of S&T projects including the Contest which is only just now wrapping up, you all have noticed I'm sure that there haven't been any more Myths & Misconceptions articles for a long time now.

There's tons of need for another one, but now that the search engine is offline for us FLs too now, it's gonna be hard to find all the things I had intended to include while my brain was fried due to excessive busy-ness. I have some already, but figured I might as well put out a call for you guys to remind me of anything that needs included this time around. :)

I know for a fact I made some notes too that I seem to have lost. *sigh*

So far I've been able to compile these off the top of my head:
  • Voya Nui water corrosive
  • Calix makes impossible possible
  • "Akua Nui" will be in story
  • Kadin same as Miru
  • Elda can only find Ignika
  • Yellow/gray not valid stone colors
They seem to all be Voya Nui related, lol. Any from previous years I've so-far missed are wanted as well. :)

In case you aren't aware of what the "M&M" articles are, here's the latest one: Bionicle Myths and Misconceptions IV.

Edit: Good suggestions. Here's the list of new ones so far, including some I thought up:
  • Mata Nui's element is light --from Advocate
  • Makuta is a Great Spirit (a reminder one) --from Advocate
  • City of the lost is Matoran lost city/village --from Vader Hater
  • Kongu's and Krakua's Suletu are the same mask --from Ninja Handyman
  • Past Toa of Light --from Bioran23
  • Rahaga can speak Visorak language --from Turakii #1 Lavasurfer
  • Gukko have talons (maybe include) --from Turakii #1 Lavasurfer
  • Matoro will definately wear the Kanohi Ignika --from Quantum-Phasically Charged Traku
  • Shadow can be good in Bionicle --from will toa of plasma
  • Red Star is Artahka --from will toa of plasma
  • Jaller destined to wear Ignika --from will toa of plasma
  • Mask of Light on Voya Nui
  • Bionicle not on a planet
  • Voya Nui's continent isn't underground
  • Nuva are dead
  • No wheels in Bionicle
  • Voya Nui floats in the air (maybe include)
  • Ignika found in 2006 (maybe include)
  • Nuva use Ignika to wake Mata Nui
That is a ton! XD


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If the toa nuva should form a six-Toa fusion or a Toa Nui, would they be able to revive Mata Nui? i don't know why, but I just thought up this theory unless someone else already has.

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Thanks again to all you guys--about half of your suggestions are in the article today. Probably the other half gets the next one. :lol:


BTW, it turns out Greg did NOT say the Lost Land isn't the 2007 location. So it still might be--not sure what the quote Vader Hater saw and I thought I saw was, but apparently that is not confirmed. So I just didn't address that issue in the article, though perhaps next time I should debunk the myth that he confirmed it, lol. :shrugs:


Edit: Another from Darnzerf: Keetongu a DH--from the erroneous DH Guide cover.


Darnz: Bionicle words can be different in different languages- They are the same in all countries.

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Notes for a new M&M, coming soon hopefully:


Takanuva is super powerful.


Bionicle ages with the fans.


Cordak -- who it would be shot at.




Magnetism = metal (maybe include).


--must review previous myths that weren't included last time

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City of the lost is Matoran lost city/village --from Vader Hater

Matoro will definately wear the Kanohi Ignika --from Quantum-Phasically Charged Traku

Nuva use Ignika to wake Mata Nui


These were funny - they all turned out to be true.

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