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  1. Good point. I guess it is angled wrong, isn't it? Nuva armor just doesn't work. What about Rahkshi heads? I've seen a lot of those.
  2. Nocturn9

    My Goodness!

    Across 2. 3. BZPower 5. Reya 6. NBF Down 1. 3. Blog 4. Completely Off Topic
  3. On behalf of King Kobra. (He doesn't know), I present you what might be the proper use for the Nuva armor. You might want to look into this topic: Here
  4. Nocturn9

    Botw? No Way!

    Congratulations! Your blog made Blog of the Week. You live in your blog. I don't have one. Btw, why do you need to go to Michigan?
  5. Nocturn9


    So lucky. Congratulations! What's it like? - X
  6. Nocturn9

    Mata Nui Cinema

    I like this new comedy. Fenrahk is a mimic! - X Edited! Yes Fenrahk is a Mimic, and he says Grr... a lot. Yoshi
  7. Nocturn9

    Omi Day

    You could alway's make your own. I couldn't find any either. - X
  8. Nocturn9

    Name Change

    Just one question left. Why did you choose Arctic? - X
  9. Nocturn9

    Name Change

    Seriously? 45 days? Must contribute, must join premier membership!!! - X
  10. Where's Yoshi and Luigi? You know what I just noticed, none of these are green! - X
  11. Nocturn9

    I Made One

    How much did you have to pay and congratulations. - X
  12. Nocturn9

    I Made One

    So lucky. How long is it? Lifetime? - X
  13. I don't have final fantasy or kingdom hearts but I can always watch gameplay. I got some reeses but no chinese food. - X
  14. Good point. Moi, Omi... I din't see that comin' - X Btw, is my banner worthy enough, Omi?
  15. Well I made a banner dedicated to you but I don't have that special type of font or photoshop. - X I also managed to make it a link.
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