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Buyer's Remorse

Pakari Master of Limn


Ok, I have something I have to get off my chest. Just when I thought that we Americans were lazy enough i see something that sends laziness into a new low.


So I'm watching TV one night, i think i was watching either SciFi or Comedy central (maybe it was Adult Swim) when i saw a commercial that really ticked me off. Oscar Meyer has just come out with microwavable hotdogs that come with buns. Now, i don't know who the target audience is for this product, but i do know one thing: If you can't go buy franks and hot dog buns separately (and probably for half the price of this new product), then take them home, stick one (or two, depends on many different factors and algorythms) in a microwave and zap-fry it, then proceed to insert it either carefully or haphazardly into a bread container known as a "bun", then you are the laziest person in America. Either that, or you are really stupid. I dunno. If every time you try to put a hot dog in a bun, the bun ends up as a hat and the frankfurter as trendy noseplugs, i guess this product is for you. Otherwise, you should keep making hotdogs the way you always have. It's really not a breakthrough in processed meats technology that hotdogs can be heated up in a pot of water, on a grill, or in a microwave, with or without a bun. Please america, don't sink lower than this!


If Oscar Meyer even thinks about flash-freezing some ketchup on there, they should spontaneously combust right then and there.


I hope I've made my point.


Giganuva's hotdog preferences:

Favorite hot dog to microwave: Ball Park Franks

Favorite hot dog to grill: Oscar Meyer Weiners

Favorite topping: Dill Relish

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Ew. :blink: I'd never eat that. Sounds unappetizing. I totally agree with you though. If they keep that up America will become known for their population of corpulent beings.


heh, my hotdog preferences are just opposite of yours.


Favorite hot dog to microwave: Oscar Meyer Wieners

Favorite hot dog to grill: Ball Park Franks

Favorite topping: Mustard & Ketchup




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