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Snakes Don't Belong On Planes

Pakari Master of Limn


Generally, I don't see how Snakes on a Plane will do well. But what do I know? All the same, if it does do well, how are they gonna follow it up? They can't just put snakes on another airline's jet. Too repetitive. So, I've come up with a list of things they could do.

  1. Raptors on the Titanic (I would love to see Leo DiCaprio get Leo-DiCapitated onboard a vessel with no escape)
  2. Black Widows in a Barbershop (Classic urban legend come to life!!! (you know, the one with the spiders laying eggs in someone's beehive hairdo?))
  3. Alcatraz Inmates at Disneyland (Could spawn a reality series!!!)
  4. Mosquitos on a Bus (would star Keanu Reeves as "The One... who has to keep the bus going over 55 miles an hour so it doesn't blow up." You get two movie sequels for the price of one!!!)
  5. Hitler's Zombie in the White House (We thought he had killed himself. We were wrong. Dead wrong. Blood runs Red this July!!!)
  6. Weebl and Bob in a Pie (Ello bob. Lo. We is in a pie. Yes.)
  7. Michael Jackson in an Orphanage (Hide behind the girls!!!)
  8. Alligators in a Helecopter (Holy $#^@^, whose carryon was it in, and how is it fitting in here without us noticing!?!?!?)
  9. Scary Movie 5 (Hey, spoofs are a sequel of sorts!)
  10. Anna Nicole Smith in Rehab (We thought we had killed her. We were wrong. Dead wrong. Blood with an alcohol percentage waaaay over the legal limit runs this Febtober!)
Ok, so I ad-libbed the list. So what. I'm sure the writers couldn't come up with anything better. I mean they called their movie "Snakes on a plane", for gosh sakes!!! Geez, that freaking sounds like the beginning of a Dr. Suess book! "Will you take snakes on a plane? Will you take snakes on a train? Will you take snakes on a tram? Will you take them Sam-I-Am?"


With that in mind, I bid you ado.


Recommended Comments

I agree with you, snakes don't belong on planes.


Seriously, snakes? Who would place snakes in an aircraft, unless he/she is a maniac.

You're right, it won't go well. Snakes aren't that frightening, even if you're a phobia.


Yes these on your list will do fine, Leonardo really hogs up the show, why can't he just be some other

actor for once instead being a vital role for him. I don't think he would apply the job then along with the wage.


Hitler? lol. How did he get to survive that age? It might be a bad idea, he could cause WW3 (World War 3).


Nice to see such an interesting blog.



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