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Don't Tell My Brother...



but I rode a roller coaster today. Three actually.


13 days until graduation!


My physics class went to Kings Dominion today for their special science day or whatever it's called. Basically the students do a few labs and then we get to hang in the park for the rest of the day.


Now, I'm not a roller coaster kind of guy. But when you're hanging out with friends, one of whom happens to be the one you're planning on asking out after you get back to school and can get her alone for a few moments, you do some crazy things. (I said I'd do it for her.)


My friends couldn't believe I didn't like roller coasters (long story, but I think it has something to do with childhood scaring on those kiddie rides and a dislike for going upside down), so in the end they sort of pushed me to the Italian Job Turbo Coaster [whatever it's called]. Then we went to Rebel Yell (forwards) and then eventually to Grizzly. (This is the Kings Dominion in Doswell, VA.)


But if my dad and brother find out they'll never let me forget it.


Oh, and I got the girl. I need to PM Omi....


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: He was as tall as a six-foot-three-inch tree.


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I'm going on a trip like that next week. I'm not in physics yet, but I'm in CAD, so I still get to go.

And congrats on asking out the girl you liked. :D


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Oh, how fun! And good job on the girl! :P I never have been a big fan of roller coasters, of course I haven't been to too many amusement parks, so I haven't experienced to many. BTW, I happen to be as tall as a six foot and three inch tree (that happens to be my height, minus a quarter of an inch).



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Why are your Fridays fun? TESTS! You should be taking TESTS today!


I'm not much of a roller coast guy because my family's not much of a roller coaster family and there are very few rollercoasters anywhere nearby... so its not really a fobia on my part.



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Your sibling will find out about everything. Trust me. My sister found out I had a girlfriend when I was concealing it very well.


Funny thing is, only she (the Girl) really considered it so.

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Your sibling will find out about everything. Trust me. My sister found out I had a girlfriend when I was concealing it very well.


Funny thing is, only she (the Girl) really considered it so.

Of course he'll find out about the girl. I don't want him to know I rode a roller coaster.

I though I made that clear.



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