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Lets Go Hunting For....



....Takua the Wanderers! It's a new activity I'm offering the Adventurer Club! ^_^ It may be a bit awkward however since Takua the Wanderer is in the Adventurer Club....


Also I think I should mention that my cold is worse and the DVD store only had one Indiana Jones movie (Last Crusade). As a result I also got Jurassic Park one. :P


Look at my awesome new rank too:




It's the best one yet!




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^The guy we were supposed to assassinate just killed himself.^


What are we supposed to do now?


Ciao, -MX- (formerly known as Ravnos and Phantoka Lord)



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Uncanny. Let's Go Hunting is the first chapter of a Monomyth I wrote last year, and "We desecrate his body" is a line from an Ask Takadox comedy that I'm planning out. :blink:

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If that's the case...


*Pulls out baseball bat and AK-47*


Let's go TtW hunting.


Ciao, -MX-

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Hey, just because one TtW is dead doesn't mean there aren't anymore! There's a whole species! So I will go to the rainforest of BZPower to search for another one! And you're too late for Ask Takadox. There's already two.

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Okay. Sec, come over here. Okay, now fire your laser at the strange dead guy. That's a good Dalek. Who's my favourite engine of destruction? You are! Goo- wait, AAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!

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