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2nd Chances Moc Contest: Beasts! ( Bionicle Paracosmos Contest #1)




Welcome to the first Bionicle Paracosmos Contest! For anybody that isn't aware, the BP is my adventure mystery fanfic series, with epics, short stories, and an RPG; all of those that are online listed here.

For the future Epic #4: Twisted Island, I need a lot of super-dangerous beasts that will be let loose from a "zoo" of sorts as part of that epic's core mystery. These could be Rahi, mutants, animalistic titans, diminutive creatures, even seemingly nonliving objects that are actually alive and dangerous, etc. Whatever -- as wide a variety as possible is what I'm looking for. :)

This is a MOC contest because I've seen so many BBC contest entries or just random posted MOCs that are really cool, but only one can win, and they get forgotten and can't be in later BBC contests. I'd like to give them a second chance.

Therefore, this contest is open to past MOCs, with a seperate lesser category for new MOCs! The the winning MOC entries in this contest will be featured in BP Epic 4: Twisted Island. :D

Entry Period

Begins now. Ends 11:59 PM EST (which I call midnight :P) on Thursday, July 3.


At first this was going to be just for past MOCs, but on second thought I've decided to have two categories. 1) Past MOCs. 2) New MOCs. :P


1) Either a past BBC entry or a non-contest MOC may be entered in Category 1.

2) Past MOCs must have been made before May 15, 2008. Please link to the MOC's topic or something else with a date attached. Anything else goes in the New MOCs category.

3) No BBC contest winning MOCs.

4) Only enter your own MOCs, though you can ask others if they'd like to enter a MOC they've made.

5) Up to 3 MOCs per member.

6) Follow all BZPower rules.

7) I pick winners, but will listen to any "nominating" comments you make for someone else.

8) No set number of winners; will depend on how many enter, and overall quality of entries.

9) Entry format:

Category: [2nd Chances, or New MOC]
Beast Name: 

(Direct link the image by pasting the pic's URL between the image tags.)


1) Preference will be given to the past MOCs category.

2) I might wanna modify the descriptions somewhat for Epic 4; will ask enterer for permission if so, though.

3) Most likely only one of your three entries can win. For this contest though I might make exceptions; in that case, only one would get much story time, and wouldn't actually claim a spot on the numbered list of winning entries.

4) The island in Twisted Island will be mostly jungle with some swamp ground and some dry ground, and the only sources of light are various glowing plants, creatures, or lightstones. However, creatures from this "zoo" were collected by a mysterious being from all over the Bionicle universe, so pretty much anything goes. Just to set the stage for you a little more without giving too much away. :)

5) Preference will be given to non-humanoids, remember.


Winning beasts will be featured in Bionicle Paracosmos Epic 4: Twisted Island. Top winners will get the most story time, with the top few being important to the plot. Winning entries will also be listed in a winners' blog entry.


Recommended Comments


Category: 2nd Chances

Beast Name: Hydrania

Topic: It be nigh here.

Description: This was my Mutant Manas in BBC #45, to avoid confusion. It never made it past the prelims. In Bionicle: Paracosmos, they are ambhibious creatures who strike from the water, making Ga-Wahi a bit more dangerous now... They can also turn sand into glass with their breath, making shore and desert travel more dangerous. They have an extremely forceful charge (i.e. can knock 9 Po-Koro statues in a square configuration 5 bio at once with a single ram). Tend to be found in Po-Wahi (where the sand lets them glass up Po-Matoran and then charge them with impunity) and Ga-Wahi.



Category: Second Chances (obviously, it was my BBC #43 model. Only got 2 votes in prelims. It looks good fodder for this contest.)

Beast Name: Slizak

Topic: ...

Description: A powerful foe, they launch spheres of energy from their wings and chest, that can release gravity energy. Because they often use this on Gukkoes, this is constantly giving them the Le-Koro nickname, "Death-Flyers." Plus, they have buzzsaws, making them deadly foes in midair to st nearby Gukkoes that can't be hit by the spheres. Four eyes and laser vision make it even more formidible on the ground. They tend to go near Le-Wahi, but some have been found roosting on Ko-Wahi, which may indicate a weakness to heat...



Category: Second Chances (BBC #49, my most recent MOC posted.)

Beast Name: Vuelax

Topic: I was allowed to have a blog entry for it instead, right? Since I never posted a topic on it...

Description: An ambhibious serpent that can fly. It can catch Matoran disks in its mouth and crush them. It can control elemental shadow. It seems invulnerable to fluidic (liquid or gaseous) attacks, but a vacuum may challenge it, as may the Ice. Its tail can crush stone huts. Tend to be found in Ga-Wahi and Ta-Wahi, where impromptu lava attacks are ineffective against it.


ALL: All of them on Metru Nui live in the Metru that are elementally aligned with their Mata counterparts. They may also be found in the deep Archives.


Yeah...I saw this contest and thought it might be cool.


Neya Darkaea Out. :voyanui: ... :voyanui:

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Note about the entry period close time -- midnight Thursday turns out to probably be a bad time, so I'll just extend it to mindnight of Sunday, July 6. My weekend paper delivery job is moving up a day due to the holiday so I'll be working on Thurs. Means extra time for yall. :P

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I'm gonna give it a try. This is a great contest idea. :)

I had a really hard time choosing though...




Category: 2nd Chances

Beast Name: Charybdis

Topic:Pushing Up Daisies

Description: This rarely-seen swamp creature is avoided at all costs. Charybdis wait submerged in the murky waters for unsuspecting prey to pass too close. They then lunge out and latch on with razor-sharp claws and teeth, dragging the unlucky individual back into the water.




Category: 2nd Chances

Beast Name: Shadow Griffin

Topic: Six Feet Under

Description: Shadow Griffins are the complete opposite of their noble cousins. Creatures of darkness, they swoop silently through the night looking for sources of light to devour. They especially crave the bright heartstones of those who stand for good.

The darkened heartstones of evildoers give them no satisfaction.




Category: 2nd Chances

Beast Name: Banshee

Topic: Dead as a Doornail

Description: Sticking mostly to the trees, Banshees are fairly harmless. However, they can cause quite a bit of trouble as they like to fell trees and start rockslides that often cover defined paths and force travelers to go through deeper, darker parts of the forest. Most agree that the Banshees' worst feature is their wailing shriek which reverberates throughout the night.


The Banshee was originally my Transylvanian Bat, but I thought this name change more appropriate.



This should be fun. Hope everyone likes them... again.



CT :pirate:



EDIT: Okay, so I love your bonesquotes. I just got finished reading all of them and they are pretty much amazing. :P

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Name: Mahvoki

Section: 2nd chances

Topic: Hold on... Here (Don't post, it's dead)

Bios: Special Rahi, these creatures mostly live in jungles. They were brought from a distant land by a trader, and have spwaned in many places since.


Mahvoki are fast and feroucious, and have lots of energy. They usually hunt in packs big enough to overpower huge Rahi, but small enough to be able to escape/hide from any danger. Sometimes they hide in the bushes until wandering Rahi come by for them to pounce on. They will let there prey go and chace the Rahi for fun at times.


They usually are quite cooperative with one another, enough to have a pack sometimes temporarily combine forces with another pack to accomplish goals they need help with.




Name: Rurzquator

Section: New MOC

Topic: Coming soon... Here!

Bios: This beasty is a trrifying sight. The origins or this Rahi are unkown. They are extremely dangerous due to there hostile nature. They will even attack each other to keep intruders away from there territory. They have little brains, but make up for it with enough strength to make the ground shake.

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Category: 2nd Chances
Beast Name: Deadwing
Topic: *here*
Description: This bulky beast lumbers around and flies and does... stuff.

Category: 2nd Chances
Beast Name: Kamitsu's Pain
Topic: *here*
Description: It seems like a plant, like the Daiku, but it's really quite sentient. It devours prey like the venus fly trap. At night it sometimes moves along the ground, seeking better hunting grounds. It's flowers/mouths turn brown and shrivel when malnourished.

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And contest closified. Winners are already chosen, and if all goes as planned should be announced later this week. :)

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