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Pm Wars



I am currently in the middle of a PM war, which is increasingly getting worse and I am starting to show hatred towards the other faction (member). I bet the member knows who I'm talking about. Or maybe he's too nooby to know that either. Man, between this and my family I am currently considering suicide.




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I once thought about suicide, but don't it man, think of the world without you. BZPower would lose a good member. :)


a very good member indeed, not to mention a great MOCist who was one of the 5 people who inspired me to start MOCing.

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NO. Do not commit suicide. It won't be worth it. Just don't even go there. More people would miss you than you probably think. Suicide is just a bad road to go down.


If the member's bugging you, just block him. End the war.



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DON'T. Think about what it would do to your family if you went and killed yourself. If you feel like it, you can tell me about it, and I could try to help you with it.

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Just cool your jets and wait a few days to reply to him. That helps me when I find I'm getting upset.

*insert other calming thing here*

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NO. Do not commit suicide. It won't be worth it. Just don't even go there. More people would miss you than you probably think. Suicide is just a bad road to go down.


If the member's bugging you, just block him. End the war.





The member's me, and he started it first of all... although I did tempt it, and I am sorry. And, he did block me.


Anyway, seriously, don't. We can't offord to loose another great MOCist.

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Isn't that ever so slightly drastic?

It's kind of pointless, is it not? I mean what will it acheive? BZP will lose a great member, MOCist and friends and family will miss you (I for one.).

Although, I must admit that as I can't see you right now, I don't know if your serious...

Anyway, things can only get worse before they get better. :)

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*tries to think of deep philosophical speech*




Just don't do it, mate. It really isn't worth it. No matter how bad you think your life is now, it will get better eventually.


As others have said, block the members who are giving you PM grief.

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Im'... kinda shocked...


Just don't do it. IMO, there'd be nothing worth commiting suicide over. It's not worth it.


That's all I'll say...






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I have, but somehow he can still PM me!




then, it's not me? Cause, I haven't PMed you since you blocked me.....

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I've been a veteran of many Internet Flame Wars. In the end, I usually become friends with them.


Really, I don't think that it's BZPower that's making you consider doing this.


Then again, people say a lot of things.

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