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I'm Back!



For all of those who missed me, I'm back from music camp. :)


Here are a few things that I learned:


1) How to trill a throat-tone A up a whole step on clarinet without being a virtuoso player -- just use the top side key for the right hand index finger.

2) No matter how much you try to deny it, a trumpet will always be louder than a clarinet (I'm still in denial).

3) If you have an umbrella, use it.

4) The stairs really do go up to the top floor of the dorm building. oO

5) Only sleep through breakfast if you're prepared to eat a lot at lunch.

6) Make sure to get to the dining hall for lunch at the most strategic time possible, preferably 30 seconds before the mobs of people from the other non-music camps get there so that you can rub it in their faces that you won't have to stand around waiting for half an hour because they seem to be trying to savor the precious moment of filling their plate with food. (Some of the girls going to ballet camp didn't seem to be able to complete this process in any kind of timely fashion; that, or the concept of scooping food onto one's own plate with a giant spoon was too foreign to them.)

7) If you time yourself as only taking five minutes to walk quickly from one building to another, then it will naturally take you ten minutes to cover that same distance when you're walking twice as fast so as to not miss a meal.

8) Buy a wooden clarinet.

9) Follow the steps outlined in #8 even if you don't play clarinet.

10) Count your rests!


Yep, I learned a lot. :lol:


It was a good time, though. I met lots of people, got ten times better on trumpet, blew off memorizing some of my marching music for next year, and continued to fail to be able write something for my band.


And now I'm back. ^_^


Onuki, over and out once again


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My Blog scans just got more interesting. Score!


I mean... um...


Welcome back. You've quite the interesting way to tell a tale.

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Thanks. But that ain't the half of it. :P I haven't even written down a full account of my stay anywhere yet -- and there's a lot more to be said. Though I'm not sure I'm up to the task of making it all sound funny enough to put in my blog.


But I'm glad to be back (on BZP, that is. Back home is another thing :rolleyes: ).

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so #8 means that even though I'm playing tuba, I should buy a wooden clarinet?

I'm fairly certain I won't have much of a problem with #10.

but, then again, last year my music teacher gave a best solo award to....... a tuba player.

who knows why, but she did.

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Welcome back, Onuki. I've been trying to keep Comedies in order, but you know what kind of a nearly impossble task that is. :P

(Not meant to get you back to reporting like crazy - enjoy your vacation as well. ;) )

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2) No matter how much you try to deny it, a trumpet will always be louder than a clarinet.

Myself being a trumpet player, I approve of this message. :D


*waits for the fruit to fly*

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Thanks, everyone! I'm glad to be back. And now I've got stuff to do. :P

Welcome back, Onuki. I've been trying to keep Comedies in order, but you know what kind of a nearly impossble task that is. :P (Not meant to get you back to reporting like crazy - enjoy your vacation as well. ;) )
I'll chip in with what I can. But in about two weeks school will start again (not to damage anyone's mental health by saying that :P), and it'll be difficult for me to do anything.


But don't worry, I never report unless I have either nothing better to do or I feel like reporting. :happydance:

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Not entirely, actually. It took me a couple days to realize that the S&T Contest was over. :P Congratulations, by the way! ^_^

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LOL. MB camp is awesome (I'm currently in the two weeks of it). It's barely our second week, and our whole show is plotted, and all the music is memorized. Fun stuff.


Of course, you know that F Horn/Melaphone>Other Brass>All others, right? :P


Yay, Onuki's back! :D

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I saw someone play two trumpets at once while I was there. It was sick.


So unfortunately, I think that the 2 Trumpets > Horn in F (or Gb, for all that it matters :P)


No, but really, the horn is the nicest-sounding brass instrument IMO. We only have one good horn player in my high school band, but at least he's really good. :P

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I don't think I've posted in your blog yet... mostly because I have nothing to say.


But welcome back, because you're fun to play with. ^_^


*squeezes Onuki doll*

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