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Memorial Day Weekend



Well, Memorial Day is almost before us, which means tons of exciting stuffs... one of them is today's theater release of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, which I hope to see this weekend. ^_^


This weekend also means that afterwards, Finals begin. O_o Which kinda stinks... but after that, freedom. :P


And otherwise, it's a generally awesome weekend. Three days to officially start off the summer! :D I'm going to my shore house... which I'll be doing quite a lot over the summer as well. We've got a pool, which I can't wait to finally use again. It's been raining and storming here for about a week now, so I'll be glad to escape it.


So, what plans do you guys have for the weekend? :happydance:




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Here, let me spoil the movie for you... :ziplip:


never mind. But I thought it was good. :)




You saw it already?!?! :o


I'm glad you thought it was good, then...

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I love midnight showings. :D




Ah. :P


I heard it was getting thrashed by some critics, though. Was it as good as the other three?

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We'll catch it when it comes to TV. You'll have to let us know if you like it and how it compares to the others. I don't think I had a favorite among the first three.


Plans for this weekend? Probably just the usual, though if the weather's nice, we may do something on Monday.

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I'm going to work on my LEGO stop-motion movie sets all this week until Monday, of which I will spend about 10 hours filming and editing said movie. :D



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Maybe I'll laze around, contemplate getting to work on Chapter 3 of LIGHT, then at the end of the weekend, pretend that I actually did something. :spinsmile:


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