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Shadows In The Sky







Is very good. I got it today, along with Bionicle Encyclopedia II. Yeah, I'm late, but it isn't my fault! My stupid Borders never got them in, or they were all on reserve, and I got sick of waiting so I asked them to order it and yay.

I was at first afraid that Greg or someone would mangle the Toa's characters, but I was pleased to find them the same, if perhaps somewhat more mature, people. I was very happy. It also pleased me to see that Bionicle is essential the same thing that it was in 2001; even if the set design is different.

The book was quite thrilling, despite it's small size. Toa Ignika was especially intriguing, and Mutran was... interesting.

I recomend getting it, to anyone who hasn't.



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Indeed, it is annoying when bookstores don't have the book in on time. I was frankly surprised that I found a copy a couple of days after it had been "officially" released.



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It is pretty good. I just got SoS last night.


Here, Here



I haven't started reading it yet, but it looks good. Tahu doesn't look that horrible on the cover though.







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Figures. As soon as I get the old book, the new one comes out.


Ah well, now I know not to wait for it to come in, and order is ASAP.

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Huh. How are the new books anyway? The last one I got was The one w/ Vezon on the cover. (Contains the mask of life collecting scenes.)


BTW, I'll keep signed into messenger for a while.

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Huh. How are the new books anyway? The last one I got was The one w/ Vezon on the cover. (Contains the mask of life collecting scenes.)


BTW, I'll keep signed into messenger for a while.

They're awesome. A million times better than the Chronicles, and somewhat better than the Adventures.



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Guest kopakanuva13


I'd like to get them, but I'm embarrassed to buy books intended for kids (And my parents won't let me) :(

The last one I ever bought was Adventures #7, I've really wanted to read more, though.

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I'd like to get them, but I'm embarrassed to buy books intended for kids (And my parents won't let me) :(

The last one I ever bought was Adventures #7, I've really wanted to read more, though.

Eh, I'm never embarassed. And besides, you could pretend it was for someone else.



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