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Hey Bzp

mercenary vahki


I've been rather inactive the last week, but I'm still here.


What has been taking up my time?


Well, I've been involved with various internet operations, stuff like that. Operation Lioncash is ongoing, and another I can't talk about here, as the eyes of fail watch all.


One thing I can say, however, is that if it is successful, we'll have a lot of lulz and a lot less emos.


And I've also been hanging around another forum, and I have to say, I am enlightened. Anyone who acts like a stupid 12-year-old or has bad grammar gets banned. We really need some of that around here. The forums here are like an ocean of suck, with intelligent people floating around on ice floes.





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*cough* I wasn't stupid when I was 12. Newbish, yes (BZP was the first forum I ever joined, as might well be the case with many 12-year-olds); stupid, no.


Anyway, though a forum populated exclusively by people who use proper grammar is an attractive idea, it would be more than a bit unfair to not let in (or to force out) people who don't. BZP is supposed to be a forum open to the target audience, of whom you could hardly expect everyone to have impeccable grammar or behavior, you know?


Really the sort of thing that works best on a smaller forum that isn't the most popular fan site for a toy line aimed for those around the age of 10.

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I was referring to the typical Xbox-live style of 12-year-old, the kind that just really annoys you. The people on this site are much better, but there's... room for improvement.


ToM, I mostly agree with you. People shouldn't actually get banned for using bad grammar here, but the system is a little soft on them.


And to clarify some things, the forum mentioned is for a toy, and there's another "partner" forum that has more lenient policies, but I prefer the elitist nature of the first.

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Um… not all 12-year-olds are stupid.



I've seen 10-year-olds act more maturely than people far older.



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