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Be The Main Character Of An Epic!



Hello, all! Eternal Darkness is finished, the battled against Makuta Takatu finally over. But what about what happened before? Where did Schattenu come from? This calls for a preqel, detailing Brigadier General Schattenu's history when he was a Toa. I have two Toa for the team created -- Toa Schattenu and Toa Scintilla -- but I need four more for a complete team. This is where BZP members come in.


Basically, you can have your Toa character be a part of Schattenu's Toa team and be main characters in the epic. And I mean MAIN characters -- no cameo appearances in one or two chapters, no temporary allianced with central characters. Your Toa will be directly involved with the plot from beginning to end. As such, you should all read the following statement before thinking about a Toa:


Should your Toa be one of those chosen, he/she will be subject to several kinds of physical and/or mental harm. Though I promise not to kill off any of those chosen, chances are they will suffer pain and damage of all kinds, for the sake of a dramatic plot. They can suffer defeats. Regardless, I assure you that your Toa's life will be safe.


Now, here's how it works. Basically, give me a profile about a Toa. Images work best, art or MOC or whatever, but if you can't do that (like me), then give me an EXTREMELY vivid written description: armor type, shape, mask design, colors weapons, etc. Trust me, it'll help. Give them an element (please, nothing extreme, something plausible that I can work with), a mask power, weapons, personality, brief history if needed, all that. One of the four chosen to be in the epic will end up being team leader; that's right, neither Schattenu nor Scintilla are leaders, so keep that in mind.


Basically, there is currently no deadline, I'll just accept Toa until I feel like I can make final choices. My brother and I, and possibly others, will judge them when the time comes until we have a final four, which will be the rest of the Toa team in the story.


Well, that's it! If your interested, drop a comment and a Toa entry either in this blog entry's comments or PM me! Feel free to ask any questions, as well. Good luck to all! Hopefully it'll end up being fun for everyone. :)


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Hmmm, I'll try to give you some more backstory without spoiling the whole thing.


Basically, Matoran Dokuma was called into existence by an Order of Mata Nui taskforce 80,000 years ago, shortly before the fall of the League of Six Kingdoms. Dokuma had a hand in this--but I'll keep that classified, as that would ruin the plot. >=D


The members of this taskforce, including Wairuha, gathered around the Toa Suva in the Great Temple and inputted their energies into the suva creating a unique Matoran of Destiny with Toa Energies sealed within him that could only be released by one member of the group. That's pretty much why Dokuma wears a Rua and has a small degree of air, ice, and water power--Wairuha.


Because of an operation on Destral in which Dokuma was betrayed shortly after his coming into existence, he was forced to fake his own death and live on Metru Nui under a new name, lest the Brotherhood of Makuta servant Treku capture him or kill him.


79,000 years later, when the struggle with Teridax began taking place on Metru Nui, Dokuma was forced out of hiding and... well, we'll just say a lot of interesting things happened that are also classified. :P


Dokuma began a life of Mata Nui with all the other Matoran, living in the city of Onu-Koro and believing himself to be an Onu-Matoran despite his unique coloring. Shortly after the arrival of the Toa Mata, Wairuha came to him and released the energies within him, turning him into the Toa described in my earlier bio. He also has the ability to seal/release these Toa energies within him at will, allowing him to shift from Matoran for to Toa and back whenever he chooses.


Since then, he's had many adventures... too many to count and too intricate to describe in a paragraph or two here. But as he gradually comes back into contact with people from his past (for example, member(s) of the Order of Mata Nui taskforce that created him, Project Destiny), he is slowly seeing that the destiny that lies before him is greater that fighting off Rahi or saving a few Matoran... the fate of a world is at stake.








By the way, it would be interesting if Dokuma and Albino Panda's character had to work together, since his character hates destiny and Dokuma's a Toa of Destiny. :sly:

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Well, it looks like things have died down quite a bit. I'll go ahead and lock this entry now. If you still want to enter a Toa, PM me and I'll see if I can fit you in.


Thanks for all the Toa, guys, and I can't wait to review them all! :)

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