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Shasa And The Ko-matoran

ToM Dracone


Shasa would really be a fascinating character to find out more about. Think about her. She spends most of her time sitting in her hut weaving and talking about how nice it is that everyone cooperates whenever someone comes by, but evidently she has some skill with weaponry as well, or else she (and Amaya) wouldn't have been set to guard Ga-Koro in the MNOLG. Just that peculiar combination alone makes her far more interesting than I had thought she was.


One could come up with all sorts of explanations for it, perhaps involving her as a warrior when she was younger, but who later decided to retire from battle except when direly needed...


Next, a question for all of you. As you might know, several of the Ko-Matoran in the MNOLG2's names are taken from Finnish. (Jaa, Jaatiko, Arktinen, Pakastaa, possibly others too, like Kylma, but him I'm not sure about.) I like the sounds they have, and they work for their appearances, but some just have spellings too odd to quite work with the Matoran language. Namely with the r-k-t collision or l-m or the double a's. So, I was wondering this: is it or is it not a complete cop-out to say that the Ko-Matoran's dialect is slightly different, more consonantal, than the rest of the Matoran's, partly due to their isolation from everyone else?


And also in the way of questions, I'd love some name ideas regarding the below entry. Really I would.


Finally, I'm still sick. Stayed home from school today (having only three classes left does not leave one with many responsibilities to worry about), which I think was very good, because I barely felt... un-headachy? clear-minded? enough to get up when I actually did, around 9:30. I was feeling better through the day, no fever, but then a few hours ago I had a major coughing fit and a high temperature again...


I do hope I can go to school tomorrow. Exams next week and I'd like to be there to review, but at least I won't miss Greek if I can't go...

~ ToM


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You sure have alot of exams!


No more than most... I had the ones in my AP classes earlier; my other classes next week. >>

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Wait a second. Matoran don't wear clothing. What do they need weavers for?

I mean, like, okay, maybe making nets (which is a different thing, though kinda similar) or tarp or canvas bags or sails for ships or whatever, but it's not like the amount of weaving that your average human village would need, since they need clothing. I mean, even the huts in Ga-Koro are made of this kinda leaf thing, rather than having cloth coverings like you might otherwise expect. Huh.


Perhaps that explains why. She doesn't have all that much to do, so when there's nothing to be woven, she practices with weaponry, so that she can defend all of the friends that she likes so much. I mean, most of the threats to the Matoran are from the outside, like Rahi and Bohrok and all those other fun Makuta thingies that ravage the island every so often.



Also, as far as I'm concerned, all of the various kinds of Matoran are bound to speak with different accents and dialects at least. The Matoran of say, Voya Nui should logically speak an entirely different language than our friends from Mata Nui. For the dialect of Ko-Koro to have this weird fetish for consonants that the mainstream Mata Nui/Metru Nui language does not is perfectly reasonable.

I've always found it a bit on the odd side that say, Skakdi and Vortixx and Makuta and all those other folks with completely different cultures on completely different islands that only rarely interact with Matoran all speak the exact same language as they do all the time. I understand that they'd know how to speak Matoran, but that they speak it amongst themselves? BAH!

I'm also getting the feeling that older things used X-type sounds more often, but they dropped off as time wore on. Makes sense, since who wants to go "kss" all the time when you can just get rid of it?




Best of luck with your exams!

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I agree, the Ko should be more consonant-ly driven because of the harsh nature of both.


And good luck, Muffau. :P

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Little things like that from the MNOLGs totally inspired me to write fan fiction. Especially because most of my ideas would never be realistically canon.


I did not know the Ko-Matoran names were Finnish. Cool.



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I would have thought that Amaya and Sasha got together to defend the village because they both have had some journeys in their pasts. Amaya has a Kanoka, and Sasha has that charm, along with Kai, Marka, and whoever else...
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Wait a second. Matoran don't wear clothing. What do they need weavers for?

I mean, like, okay, maybe making nets (which is a different thing, though kinda similar) or tarp or canvas bags or sails for ships or whatever, but it's not like the amount of weaving that your average human village would need, since they need clothing. I mean, even the huts in Ga-Koro are made of this kinda leaf thing, rather than having cloth coverings like you might otherwise expect. Huh.

I'd always thought the weaver (Shasa) used her weaving skills to weave the leaves together. Or maybe I'm thinking of another technique used to hold things together with string. I always get confused around these things...


Anyway, I love the idea of the Ko-Matoran having the slightly different dialect. I support it full way :). This whole slightly different dialect reminds me of Nuju's bird-speech, though that's a different story.

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Kylma, but him I'm not sure about.)


Kylmää is "cold" in Finnish. :)


Really? That's cool! (literally too...) Anyway, I think that you have a point there ToM. I makes perfect sense to me. Oh, and how exactly do you find the names of the characters in the old online games? I never did finish MNOG II, and I barely got into the first one. But yeah, good thinking.


I also wish you luck on your exams, as well as getting over your cold.



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Sure, their dialect is probably different.


In fact, there seem to be running themes like that in the other Matoran names in MNOLG2... take, for example, Tiribomba. Tribal-sounding, no?


I actually really like those Finnish names. Much more Bionicle sounding than many of the recent English ones, in my opinion. And the double A's are kinda cool looking. :P

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