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Qualities Of Chirox



2 days until graduation!


Got Chirox yesterday night, hid it outside (in Lego Store bag) before going inside so my parents wouldn't see. Took it out this morning because I got up after everybody left the house. Built it instead of eating breakfast, which meant I had to eat a quick (Entimens!) breakfast and got to school just in time.


But Chirox is amazing and I'm so glad I got him!


What's to love:

  • Looks cool
  • Poses OK
  • Swords/wings on hands are sweeeeet!
  • Wings are cool
  • Moar black Piraka arms
  • New-design black double (7 length) joint (x6)
  • Moar Hordika skulls
  • Silver Nuparu Mahri armor
  • Silver Metru chest armor (now I have 2!)
  • Black Hordika legs (I needed)
  • Mask is cool
  • Two words: Tridax Pod
  • Plenty of good MOCing stuff
  • Nice set for collection
If anything not to love, it's his flimsy kneck (easily fixable with some advice from xccj) and his arms, which aren't easy to pose folded up like that, but you absolutely can't spread them out and expect to get anything from doing so.


I really like him. He's cool to pose too, bending one knee and making the other leg straight. I couldn't find anything to make him stay like that though, so he just had to lay on my chair again....



Senior cookout was today, right after a quick graduation practice. They had burgers and chips and a snowcone machine for us, but I had breakfast only 2 hours earlier. But I got to hang with friends. Heather had to leave all too early to anyone's liking. A bunch of us are going to Joe's Pasta tomorrow after another graduation practice. (I get to take the van to school so I can drive 7 plus me!)


That's that, I don't feel like a proper ending. Nothing much else to say. Oh! I watched the first five episodes of Chrono Crusade! Ok, that wraps up my day.


-CF :kakama:

PS, feel like looking at some Black Fantasy?


Quote of the Day: "E-mail is not to be used to pass on information or data. It should be used only for company business."


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I agree, but the Hordika legs just don't work with him, imo. Piraka or Rahkshi shins probably would've been better.

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I agree, but the Hordika legs just don't work with him, imo. Piraka or Rahkshi shins probably would've been better.

Fix'd. Thanx.


I don't like Piraka legs...but Rahkshi legs are nice. I'll give him some and see how they look. I think the Horidka legs work nicely for a boney figure. That, or I just really wanted some black Hordika legs. :D



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The thing that bugs me about them is the fact that the ball joint levels are staggered. It just doesn't seem right with those small feet. :mellow:

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Better than Mutran? Chirox was the one canister Makuta I was going to get if I wasn't able to pick up Mutran for a slightly cheaper price...


Yay, my advice is being used. :P



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Better than Mutran? Chirox was the one canister Makuta I was going to get if I wasn't able to pick up Mutran for a slightly cheaper price...


Yay, my advice is being used. :P



I don't know, as I don't have Mutran. But from looking at him, I'd say yes. But I don't quite know. Has he served you well?



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