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An Custom Moc



This is custom.



Custom ≠ automatically good. From now on if someone tells me my MOCs need to be "more custom", I'll link to this.


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Oh Em Gee. That is not custom! Just look at it! Look @ the limbs and the Skwid Lonchers and the feat! 0/10. Neads moar custom.


Actually...custom is good. But not always. I'm all for using those Piraka bodies, good knows we've got enough of 'em. But use them differently. Don't take the head off your Piraka, put on a new one plus weapons, and say it's your MOC. 'Cause in my opinion, it's really not. It's an MOOLSM, which while it sounds really wierd, is My Own Official Lego Set Modification. Now, if you're new at MOCing, then it's ok, but people need to specify why. Maybe the MOC (yes, it is if you're new) has that nice, buff appearance you're looking for and the weapons match the armor and his mask looks good at that height. Say that, not "I liek it!! Grate job!" or "Awesome mask!" LEGO made the mask. You may have chosen to put it there, but the way you do it is custom, not the parts themselves.


And, on a slightly different note, I'm sick of seeing people use other people's custom and then getting praised for customness. 'Cause it's not customness if you DIDN'T COME UP WITH IT.


I'm also kinda getting sick of all the Anti-Custom that's going around. Lots of people hate when other people say "love the customness". That makes sense. But to say "your own usage of parts acquired the shape and stablilty and color that fit very well with the idea of this MOC" is FINE!! There's nothing wrong with that!


And I refuse to become part of another trend or fad. Look around in people's blogs, you'll see what I mean.

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Oh Em Gee. That is not custom! Just look at it! Look @ the limbs and the Skwid Lonchers and the feat! 0/10. Neads moar custom.


Actually...custom is good. But not always. I'm all for using those Piraka bodies, good knows we've got enough of 'em. But use them differently. Don't take the head off your Piraka, put on a new one plus weapons, and say it's your MOC. 'Cause in my opinion, it's really not. It's an MOOLSM, which while it sounds really wierd, is My Own Official Lego Set Modification. Now, if you're new at MOCing, then it's ok, but people need to specify why. Maybe the MOC (yes, it is if you're new) has that nice, buff appearance you're looking for and the weapons match the armor and his mask looks good at that height. Say that, not "I liek it!! Grate job!" or "Awesome mask!" LEGO made the mask. You may have chosen to put it there, but the way you do it is custom, not the parts themselves.


And, on a slightly different note, I'm sick of seeing people use other people's custom and then getting praised for customness. 'Cause it's not customness if you DIDN'T COME UP WITH IT.


I'm also kinda getting sick of all the Anti-Custom that's going around. Lots of people hate when other people say "love the customness". That makes sense. But to say "your own usage of parts acquired the shape and stablilty and color that fit very well with the idea of this MOC" is FINE!! There's nothing wrong with that!


And I refuse to become part of another trend or fad. Look around in people's blogs, you'll see what I mean.

I'm not against custom. I'm against people demanding custom.


IMO if you don't follow the instructions and it's reasonably different from a LEGO set then it's custom.


Custom is nearly always good.





Yes. But that doesn't mean something that's not custom is bad.

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IMO if you don't follow the instructions and it's reasonably different from a LEGO set then it's custom.


That's exactly how I felt when someone said to me:


It's too similar to Kongu.







Not custom enough. :P

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