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Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull



I hath seen it. Doth I recommend said movie to thou? A resounding YES. Why? Read on, but thou must be warned, brave traveler, that much information is about to be disclosed to thou ears. If thou dost not wish to have said movie ruined for thyself, then read no further.



*electric warping sound*



*pops back into the 21st century*



Hey guys! Well, my dad and I went to see Indy last Thursday, and I thought that I would write a little review.


To start off with, the movie was a lot better than I was expecting. It was at least as good as the first Indy movie, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.


Why do I think this? Well, the movie has alot of great action scenes, there was a good spattering of humor in it, and it was just like classic Indy. I really liked the beginning that was in and around the Warehouse (though Indy surviving the Atomic blast was really far fetched, though funny) as well as the jungle battle/chase/duel. Those ants give you the creeps though. Mutt, I mean Henry Jones the 3rd, was one of my favorite characters. He was jumpy and nervous at the beginning, but you could really tell that he matured over the course of the movie. I especially liked his interaction with Indy, there was some good humor there. The producers also did a good job of using Ford's age to their advantage, which lead to a good bit of the humor. Oh, and one more thing, they had a really good villainess. Irina was one tough gal, she fit in perfectly, and she was so different than all of the other bad guys in the previous films.


Of course, the whole alien thing was... different. And while I do not agree that aliens exist, it was good for the movie. The fascinating thing about the Indy movies is that you have the Ark of the Covenant, some pagan stones, the Holy Grail, and now an alien skull as the object of Indy's search. And in each of these movies, each of these artifacts actually contain power, in other words, the stories behind them are real and true. However, the theology behind them conflict. You have two artifacts that are from the Bible, and yet two others that are pagan/non-theistic. I just found this interesting to think about. What do you say?


So in other words, the actual artifact that Indy was searching for, and the tales and powers behind it, weren't good at all. However, the movie was very, very good over all. There was a great variety of types of scenes: action, fighting (fists, swords, guns, you name it), hunting, solving riddles, spooky graveyards in the dead of night (I never can figure out why the characters in movies have to go at night to the graveyards), raging rivers, jungle chases, and of course a dimensional rift and a flying UFO. What's my final word? Go see it!




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Well, obviously, all the Christianity stuff happened in the Middle East area (Egypt, present day Israel, whatever), the stones were proving their power over in India, and the aliens were hanging out in South America. I guess it's just a lot of things were happening all at once.


You forgot to mention that they played Ford's age well into the character. :sly:



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I wish I could survive an atomic blast and being flung probably about a mile in a refrigerator.
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Indy 4 was amazing!!!


While the alien thing was a little far-fetched, since there are people like you who don't believe, the suspension of disbelief was good.


As for artifacts, I don't think the stones from the second had much mystical power. Except for the guy putting his hand in somebody's chest, it was fairly believable. (The stones could, for some reason, glow when brought together, I gather.)


The alien thing here was just that, alien. In the first and third, their powers were from God, so writers just put that in easily because movie goers don't want to argue religion over a good story. (And that was 20 years ago when people weren't concerned with being PC.)


Now, as for the movie, I'll say again that it rocked! I really liked Shia Lebouf's character as Mutt, he played it real well. As for graveyards at night, people go visit graves during the day, and when you are potential "grave robbers" (which they, technically, were not), you don't go in the light.


I probably wouldn't mind seeing this movie again if I had the chance and means.



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Well, obviously, all the Christianity stuff happened in the Middle East area (Egypt, present day Israel, whatever), the stones were proving their power over in India, and the aliens were hanging out in South America. I guess it's just a lot of things were happening all at once.


You forgot to mention that they played Ford's age well into the character. :sly:




So, you are saying that the God of the Bible, some pagan stones, and aliens are all co-existing at the same time? Along with the fact that they are all real? Sorry, but just won't work. With the stones and aliens maybe, but not with God and stones... and aliens... and whatever. (BTW, I do not want this to turn into a theological argument...)


Very true, I need to go back and edit that in...



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I wish I could survive an atomic blast and being flung probably about a mile in a refrigerator.


That would indeed be neat. :)


Indy 4 was amazing!!!


While the alien thing was a little far-fetched, since there are people like you who don't believe, the suspension of disbelief was good.


As for artifacts, I don't think the stones from the second had much mystical power. Except for the guy putting his hand in somebody's chest, it was fairly believable. (The stones could, for some reason, glow when brought together, I gather.)


The alien thing here was just that, alien. In the first and third, their powers were from God, so writers just put that in easily because movie goers don't want to argue religion over a good story. (And that was 20 years ago when people weren't concerned with being PC.)


Now, as for the movie, I'll say again that it rocked! I really liked Shia Lebouf's character as Mutt, he played it real well. As for graveyards at night, people go visit graves during the day, and when you are potential "grave robbers" (which they, technically, were not), you don't go in the light.


I probably wouldn't mind seeing this movie again if I had the chance and means.




I never have seen the second one, and I don't plan on it. My dad says that it's the worst one, and the witch doctor is odd...


What are you abbreviating when you say "PC"?


But anyhow, I agree with everything that you said, including that it rocked. :)


My favorite Indy movie yet. And the most believable to me.


"Doctor Henry Jones. Junior."


Lol, that was funny when he called him Jr. :lol:


Loved it!




Glad to hear so! :D



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All this hype is making me want to see it, as well as the first two that I never saw...


I believe Chocolate means politically correct. And I'd like to say a lot of things on the issue of derivations of the focus artifacts, but most of them wouldn't be allowed, so I'll settle for this: once you drag in any sort of supernatural power into a movie, all the rules have gone out the window, including those keeping mythologies separate. I wouldn't worry much about it. :P

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I loved the movie as well.


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Refridgerator part = awesome. :D


Though the alien thing was really weird, and not quite my cup 'o' tea, I still enjoyed the movie. In my opinion it's just as good as RoTLA. ^_^

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