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Troubles We May Face On Our Journey



I actually have no clue if this makes sense...


I've had these strange thoughts on MOCing lately as my time winds down for departing with you all. Where should I begin? You look across all of your pieces huddled together in a large blue container. Many,many,many, pieces of diffrent shapes, sizes, and colors. Anyway, as you begin to build something, you get hit with reality... MOCing can be difficult at times. But that's what you like about it. It challenges you to try something diffrent. So you push on working harder every day to master new designs and skills.


A week later, and you have finally finished your masterpiece. You build something totaly diffrent... a design never done before... and your like WOW... all that effort and hard work really payed off! So you get your little camera out a set up a nice photo shoot. Next day you load the pictures to brickshelf.


After a few days on BZP, you notice another topic with a similar design to the creation you just put up on BZP. You then realize that that design was to intricate for someone else to have just suprisingly come up with. The only diffrence happens to be one piece.


You get angry becasue you worked hard and someone just ripped you off. But then maybe that actually was their own design and they had never seen it before. And of course, shortly after, more of the same design begins to put up on other MOCs. Do you get angry because that is your design and you should be entitled to it always... or feel happy becasue you actually made a good MOC and enjoyed doing it?


So ask yourself this....


Do you MOC for fame? or do you MOC because you just love that challenge of doing it?




Okay, so this isn't really directed at anyone, because no one (I hope) has stolen my designs. It does raise questions for others who have had their designs stolen though...


P.S. Anyone is welcome to correct my spellings. I typed this in a rush before my show came on. :D




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Because it's fun to do, simply. If someone rips off a design, I suppose it's a form of flattery, but without credit, it's not really.
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Yeh.. I'm really sorry about that. None of my new MOCs have that design and I am totally banning it from any future ones. :(



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Someone copied my chibi Panrahk design right after I posted it.

I was so freaking mad.

I'm still freaking mad.

Not because he used the design, but because he denied it.

So it's good if they give credit, bad if they don't.

Right now I'm MOCing because I feel obligated. It's very stressful.



The stress might explain this comment.

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I think you mean "Sense" not "Since". :P

Do you MOC for fame? or do you MOC because you just love that challenge of doing it?

Eh, I MOC because I like doing it, and I would like to get well known through my talent of it, but I do get mad if I come up new designs that I haven't seen before and somebody posts it straight after. <_<

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